It's really June already?! Wow, it's hard to believe that the halfway mark for 2012 has arrived. I know I say this often but time is flying by. It's almost a little bit scary to think about it. I had to do a double take at the calendars on my computer and phone before I flipped the page on my wall calendars.
With only six more months left in this year, I feel like I need to crack the whip harder to make sure I accomplish all my goals. Not going to lie this year has been good to me so far. I've been featured in a magazine that is sold all around the world and the YUMMommy community has grown. I've found a new church that I love. The list goes on.
However, I still have a ways to go. So, since you all have always been so supportive of YUMMommy and just me as a person, I've decided to start sharing more about journey towards reaching my goals. There are times when I feel defeated and times where I want to throw in the towel. And I think that having this platform at my disposable to talk about what I'm feeling, the progress I'm making and to ask for help is truly a godsend! I realize that I'm still young and I'm still new to this whole blogging/writing game.
With that said, my goals for this month are:
~Revamp YUMMommy Store: I really want to take YUMMommy beyond just being on the web. Having merchandise is a way to make that possible. So, I'm going to be working hard to find a different company to partner with because the overhead prices of the current company I'm with is just out of this world. I'd love to use the money from those sales to help go towards doing more charitable projects, giving the blog a complete redo and more.
~Interact More With The YUMMommy Community: I really want to make a conscious effort to get to know more about the ladies (and men) who are helping to hold it down for YUMMommy. Like I've already said, your support means the world to me. Therefore, I don't ever want to come off as one of those bloggers who's to good to mingle because I'm not. So, feel free it hit me up on Facebook and Twitter!
~Post Everyday: No more going long periods of time without posting. Trust me, I know that in order to attract and keep an audience that I have to give them something fresh to read and discuss. Not to mention I feel bad when I go long periods without posting because this blog is very much like a diary for me also. And with life being so busy and going by in the blink of an eye, I enjoy having this to look back on and being able to relive certain memories in my mind.
~Get Sponsors: I can't stress enough how important it is and how easier life is when you have blog sponsors. These people have a wealth of resources at their disposable that aren't available to the average person. And if you work hard enough at maintaining a great blogger-sponsor relationship, you might even find your future mentor.
~Tone Up: While I've well with shedding pounds, I now need to focus on toning up. I'm all for accepting your body and loving it as it is. However, I know what my body was before I had kids and what it can be after kids. I'm realistic in the fact that I'm probably never going to see a size 2 again but whatever size I end up at, I don't want to have to be weighed down with girdles and shapewear.
It's very important that I feel comfortable and confident in my appearance when I'm out and about. I can not be representing YUMMommy looking "busted and disgusted" as my younger sister would say. I'm thankful that I've been able to go from a size 12/14 to a size 7/8 and even a size 6 depending on the brand and cut. That in and of itself is a huge accomplishment. Shout to Healthy Latina who's always tweeting me back good fitness vibes!
What are your goals for June?
P.S.-If you see posts with blacked out boxes where pictures used to be it's because I accidentally deleted them with Google+. I'm working getting around to re-uploading them all.
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