You Have Not Because You Ask Not!!

Let me first start off by saying Good Day everyone!!  Happy Women's History Month to all of my fabulous ladies out there. This world would truly be lost without the female touch.  Now, back to the topic at hand.  I'm a Christian and a stronger believer in signs from God.

Now, I'm not a perfect Christian or one of those Holier Than Thou types, but my relationship with the Man Upstairs is tight.  Anyways, this Tuesday, I was riding in the car with my mom running errands.  And she started talking about how I've been slacking with getting my brand off the ground.  In my defense, I am a single mom of one very busy one year old who seems to stay in the doctor's office a lot.  That's another story.

I'm telling her my idea and what I need for it to take off and she says "You have not because you ask not.  Dare to ask for what you need."  I was giving what she said some serious thought when I heard Steve Harvey closing out his Morning Show.  He was talking about how he was reading one of Joel Olsteen's books. And he writes awesome books by the way.  The book talks about how we often times forget that when we're praying, we're praying to GOD!!!  Like if God can't do it no one can, but yet some of us are too shy to pray bold prayers.

And the next words out of Steve's mouth were "The good book says 'you have not because you ask not'."  I thought ok, this is a sign. And if I didn't already know God was trying to send me a message, I heard the same words from somebody else.  So, I am refocused, remotivated and determined to make Young Urban Modern Mommies a success.  I have been trying to do everything myself, but I can't.  Therefore, I am asking and calling for writers with expertise in the following:

  • Beauty Writer-You don't have to me a mom, but a beauty license would be helpful. 
  • Pediatricians/Family Doctors-Looking for people to answer questions from readers & write monthly articles on all things involving children's health.
  • Fashion Writers-Being a mom is a demanding job, but that doesn't mean you can't do it in style. Looking for experienced stylists to highlight the latest trends in maternity wear, post pregnancy wear & children's wear.
  • Moms-Each of us has a different story.  Why not share yours with someone else.
So, if you're interested contact me at

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