My Weekend WrapUp

Although the weekend might be coming to a close, I'm sad to see it go.  I don't have to go into the office tomorrow. Therefore, I will be sleeping in for as long as Moo will allow me to.  Another reason I'm not sad to see the weekend go is because my Mommy will be back from her ten day conference training session.

I have to admit that I didn't think I was going to miss her, but I do.  I even got her a 'Welcome Home' gift.  I'll post pics in my next Weekend WrapUp.  This weekend has been kind of long. Saturday was graduation. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to any of my little cousin's graduations because of work. Ugghhhh.. Frustrating but what can you do?  Bills have to get paid and diapers have be bought.

However, I did make it to the cookout and got a chance to hang out with family. Some people I hadn't seen in ages.  I tell you I'm glad that school is out because I have heard promises of more family cookouts to come.  And I'm proud to announce that I will be starting off the family cookouts with Moo's Baptism Celebration and Memorial Cookout in a few weeks!!!

My mind is running a mile a minute planning out menus, decorations and everything.  I want this event to be perfect or as close to perfect as it can get.  Looking forward to creating an atmosphere in which the younger generation will get to know the older generation.  Cookouts are the perfect setting for telling stories and teaching youngsters their history.

And today was wonderful.  We made it to church just in time for the offering.  And yes, I was THAT mom again this week. Moo was quite talkative and had a bad case of Ants in the Pants.  I think that her terrible twos came early.  At least we didn't have any more Bible tearing accidents.  So, that is an upgrade. I sent up a special prayer that God will continue to shape her and smooth out her rough edges.

I did enjoy a nice dinner with my immediate family today as we gathered for a surprise 49th birthday party for one of my uncles. He was genuinely happy to see that we had thought enough to surprise him.  With all the death in our family lately, we have learned to give each other our roses while we still have life.  Nothing will remind you what's most important like death will.

I'm looking forward to many more birthday celebrations to come.  Well, I am officially still stuffed from my dinner. I will certainly have to work out double time to get this off. Planning a little Mommy and Me retreat to the beach and I want to look super cute in my new bathing suit. 

So, how was everyone else's weekend?

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