Fall Is Here

Today is the first official day of fall and I'm excited.  Summer was great but I'm not at all sad about leaving all that scorching hot weather behind.  I'm happily trading in my shorts and sandals for some lounge pants and comfy wool lined slippers.  I'm also looking forward to Halloween because it will be JJ's first time trick or treating.

I'm thinking that I want him and Moo to have coordinating costumes.  Like they could both be super heroes, scarecrows, etc.  Hoping that Old Navy will have those cute little cloth trick or treat bags like they did last year.  Some of the trees here are already changing colors.  I love it!

The leaves just look so beautiful when they're yellow at the tip but get closer to red the further up you go.  Yes, I'm some what of a nature nerd.  I see the beauty in simple things like that.  I'm looking forward to being able to do the hay rides this year.  Moo is older and will appreciate it and JJ will be sit still as long he can look around and see his surrounds.

And Moo's 3rd birthday is coming up.  I can't believe she's not a little baby anymore.  She'll be starting preschool next year.  While part of me is happy because she'll get to interact more with other kids her age and make friends, I'm also terrified at how she will adjust and then of course there's her allergies.  All in all, I have a feeling that this is going to be a wonderful fall.

What is your family looking forward to this fall?


  1. Moo will adjust well in preschool, although I'm sure it'll be hard to get used to her being a "big girl." I'm excited to wear blazers and ballet flats this fall. I actually like the fall -- for about a month.Then it gets cold here in NYC and everything goes downhill from there. LOL.

  2. We love the perfect weather. Why can't it be fall all year long? I'm ready for blazers, skinny jeans, and heels or boots!

  3. I love the leaves turning in bright golden colours and crunchy under the feet too.

    Mommy you are one of the ladies I put on the list to let other ladies get to know seven things about you :).

  4. Fall is definitely my favorite season. I can't wait to fill my porch with mums, enjoy the fair with my kids and bake an apple cobbler (or two)! Oh yes, and a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.

    Have fun searching for a Halloween costume for your kids. Here's some ideas I found for ya! Hope you find them helpful. http://sarahsloves.blogspot.com/2011/09/pinterest-halloween-costume-roundup.html
