This week has been a little eventful in terms of weather. These last few days we've been having some severe storms that have caused a bit flash flooding in certain areas here. Along with those storms came tornado warnings and hail. We're in the thick of hurricane season and I feel like this is only the beginning of what we will have to look forward to. However, I'm thankful that my roof didn't leak like it has in the past and that we didn't have any damage.
I'm thankful that I took a little break from house hunting because I was really starting to get frustrated. And I don't manage my frustration well. It has a tendency to boil over into other aspects of my life. But I'm refreshed and renewed and recommitted to help my husband with our search for a new place to live. It's just not possible for us to continue staying in this rental.
I'm thankful that I was able to send my baby sister her first care package. I remember what it's like being a college student and living on campus. She's hours away from home and I know that having that care package will give her some comfort and be a constant reminder that we still love her and we're still thinking about her. Plus, I don't really want her worrying about looking for a job her first year.
I'm also thankful that Moo is making some progress on her potty training. For a long time she has been boycotting the toilet period. And then I had JJ and just slacked off on the training because I was just too exhausted. However, we're getting back on track. And I'm learning to not feel bad about her not being fully potty trained just because other moms have kids that are. Kids are all different and I'm positive she'll be there before her third birthday.
Last but not least I'm thankful for everyone who has continued to vote for YUMMommy in the CBS-Charlotte Most Valuable Blogger Contest. It truly means a lot. Tomorrow is the last day you can vote before they announce the winners. I'm super excited and nervous all at the same time. So please vote today and tomorrow please!! Click on the badge below.
Anything happen in your life that has made you thankful?
I am thankful for my life, my hubby's life and the life inside me. And my family. I am thankful for the love I feel each waking day.