The most happiest holiday memories that I have of my childhood are when I came home with handmade gifts and/or cards from school to give to my mom, dad or a sibling. I especially loved the way my mother's eyes would light up and this huge grin would spread across her face. I remember one year I thought myself how to cross-stitch and I made her a tapestry of different angels and in the middle was scripture about moms. Oh the joy, delight and pride that shown on her face that Christmas will forever be imprinted on my memory.
I made that gift with love. I put everything I had into making sure it was perfect. No stitch was out of place. And knowing that she loved that gift because I had put so much love and effort into making it just made me feel something that I can't quite put into words. I know it's cliche but it's true.
Even though years have passed, I still enjoy lighting up my mom's face with gifts made from the heart rather than some store bought jewelry, clothing or book. Thankfully, companies like Vistaprint help make easier for a busy mom like myself to still be able to the same effort but half the time into creating these kinds of gifts for her. And I highly recommend that you all give them try this holiday season. Why not make your loved ones gifts that are truly worthy of being cherished?
From personalized greeting cards/money holders,
and t-shirts
to customized mugs
and Christmas ornaments.
Don't let the opportunity to really show your family how much you care about them and love them by creating something that is one of kind.
And don't forget that even after the holidays, you can still visit Vistaprint to make business cards, letterhead, labels and any other printing need that arises
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by our lovely friends at Vistaprint!
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