Breakfast and A Party

Whelp, Christmas has come and gone!  We had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Savior as well as spending time with my family.  The kiddies had an especially awesome time because they were more than showered with gifts this year from Grandma, Unk and the Aunties. We had good food, a little wine and lots of laughs.

However, the partying continues for us as we get ready to ring in the New Year with a FREE breakfast and a party all courtesy of the lovely folks at McDonald's-Charlotte!!  Woot, woot! Yes, our McDonald's is the greatest because they're always trying to stay active in the Queen City.  I also love them because most of the activities they sponsor and host are family related.  This is a huge plus since I'm a mommy of two.


So, this Friday, December 30th from 7-9AM, you can come out and catch us enjoying the unveiling of McDonald's new Apple Cinnamon Walnut Oatmeal at Wells Plaza in the 300 block of S Tryon.  McDonald's will be rolling out this new addition to their breakfast menu sometime in 2012.  This reveal will allow the public to give their feedback on whether or not they want less apple, more walnuts or more cinnamon, less walnuts or they could love it as is.  And of course, for us non-oatmeal lovers, they will have some of their signature breakfast sandwiches along with their Premium Roast coffee and Hot Caramel Mochas.

The free coffee alone is enough to entice to me go.  I mean have you ever had coffee from McDonald's?  It's totally addictive!  But no worries if you can't make the breakfast.  On Saturday, you and the kiddies can check out McDonald's First Night Kids event from noon to 5 PM and get out party on.  We're looking forward to meeting Ronald down at the Convention Center and getting our picture taken with him.  He's a celebrity after all.


I'm really happy to have these extra opportunities to make more memories with my family before 2012 gets here.  The kids are growing up so fast and I'm learning to cherish and take advantage of opportunities like these where there is a little something for everyone.

What are you and your family doing to ring in the New Year?  And will you be trying McDonald's Apple Cinnamon Walnut Oatmeal when it comes out in 2012?


I was not compensated for this post.  All opinions expressed are my own

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