It's official folks. Thanksgiving Day is here! Today also happens to be Thankful Thursday here on the blog. So, let's get this ball rolling.
Today, I'm thankful that I got to wake up surrounded by my family. A lot of people didn't get to do this. There are so many people still displaced due to Hurricane Sandy, in nursing homes, homeless or in hospitals. I don't take having the chance to be with my husband and kids for granted one bit. I've seen how quickly the people you love can be taken away from you.
And while we're talking about family, I'm thankful that my blogger friend Rebecca from Let Them Eat Cake got a special Thanksgiving surprise today. Her baby boy was able to come home after having been in the hospital since she delivered him earlier this month! We had been praying for them that he would be home for Thanksgiving and definitely home before Christmas. It's an amazing feeling when you find out that your prayer has been answered. Join us in continuing to pray for them and their baby boy that he stays strong and healthy.
Moo and I (mostly I) slaved away in the kitchen today to make a nice feast for the family today. Happy to report that this may just be the best Thanksgiving dinner I've ever cooked. We had my lemon herb turkey, baked macaroni and cheese, dressing, green casserole (Moo kept trying to eat the French's onions), collard greens with smoked turkey neck, corn bread muffins, brown gravy and sweet potato pie. Haven't had seconds yet, but I did have a pretty good nap with JJ.
Thankful that the little ones got up in time to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade with me. I thought that Moo was going to sleep in since she didn't get up at her usual time. However, JJ sounded the wake up alarm and she got up. We watched in our pjs on the couch.
I'm thankful that JJ didn't completely unwrap the Mr's Christmas present. He got a hold of it while I went to bast the turkey. Thankfully, he just ripped off the bow. I can glue it back down and cover up the hole in the wrapping paper. Y'all know I'm all about being Green and frugal. If the hole would have been bigger, I had every intention of just sticking more bows on it. LOL.
I'm thankful that we're now enjoying A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It's just not Thanksgiving without loved ones, turkey and of course Charlie Brown! Most importantly, I'm thankful for you-all my YUMMommy readers and supporters. Thank you for riding with me and holding me down! Many of you have become like family to me. From my family to yours
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