Thankful Thursday

A lot has happened since my last Thankful Thursday post.  There was the shooting at Sandy Hooks Elementary School last Friday.  I can't tell you all how much my heart still aches for that community.  However, I am thankful to see so many Americans and strangers reaching out to comfort and financially assist Newtown as they try to recover and rebuild from this tragedy.  

I'm thankful that there were survivors.  It could have been worst.  I keep thinking to the year I quit teaching.  One of the students at an elementary school in our district had planned to blow up his school.  He had a plan laid out, a few bombs already made and more supplies had been shipped to his house to make more.  When I think about how close that young boy came to killing everyone in that school, it makes me shutter.  So, that's why I say that I'm thankful for there were survivors in the Sandy Hooks tragedy.

I'm thankful that I lived to see my 27th birthday!  Again life is so precious.  I pray to see 27 more.  I'm thankful that I got to celebrate it with the people that I love the most.  Moo really made my day when she asked if we could just celebrate my birthday all week.  Then she told me I was the "bestest mommy in the whole wide world."

Talk about making my heart melt and tears come to my eyes.  I'm so thankful that I'm raising a very loving child.  Her compassion knows no boundaries.  I hope that she will keep this trait and spread joy and love wherever she goes.  I'm thankful that JJ is continuing to make grow and develop.  

He is turning into quite the fearless little man.  He doesn't mind climbing up on anything or sticking his hands in dark places.  He's learning new words.  His favorite right now is cup.  He enjoys giving out kisses and hugs.

I'm thankful that Christmas is almost here!!  All gifts have been purchased.  Nothing left to do except tackle the dinner shopping and add a few things to everyone's stockings.  There's some stuff on sale already in my area.  So, I'm thankful that I'll be able to catch some good deals.

I'm thankful for my continued relationship with some of the brands that I've been working with throughout the year.  It means a lot when a brand repeated comes back and offers me the opportunity to work or partner with them.  I'm thankful for my loyal blog supporters and readers.  I've made so many wonderful friends.

I'm just thankful to have so much to be thankful for.  I am blessed.  Through the good times and the not so good times, I am still blessed and still have much to be thankful for.  Again thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes!

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