Thankful Thursday

"The thankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessing."
~Henry Ward Beecher 

This week I'm thankful for the simple things.  I'm thankful for the blessings that are my two lovely kids.  I know that I've said it this a million times, but Moo and JJ really make me a better person.  They inspire and motivate to become something more than I am at this moment.  They're constantly teaching me about patience, compassion, love and kindness.

I'm thankful that we are all continuing to feel better.  I'm thankful that JJ has two new teeth!  They've broken through the gums and he's already been trying to use them on his sister.  I guess part of his extended sickness was due to teething, but he's back to his usual self.

I'm thankful that Moo is patient with him.  JJ is becoming quite the boy.  He's not so gentle in his playing.  We're working on teaching him to not be rough and to play nicely, especially with his sister.  Meanwhile, I'm constantly telling Moo how proud I am of her when she doesn't retaliate because he's kicked over her dollhouse or something.

I'm thankful for peace.  This week has been very peaceful.  No drama. Just calm.  Lastly, I'm thankful that I might be getting my snow I've tweeted, blogged and talked about.  Weather man says the temps tomorrow will be perfect.  So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

What are you grateful this week?


  1. Boys are such boys! Mine used to head butt me when he was 2. It took forever to get him to understand that girls don't like that. Now he's 17 and likes to rest his elbow on my head. They never really grow up. But I'm glad to read everyone is healthy and feeling better, that always helps.

    I'm grateful for my family and all of the laughs.

  2. I have a 13 yo boy and a 14 yo girl so I can totally relate! I'm grateful this week for wonderful memories of my grandma :)

  3. I love these Thankful Thursday posts and enjoy reading yours. I'm thankful for GREAT report cards this past week from both of my "babies" ages 15 & 8.
