Linking up again with Christina (Carolina Charm), Dari (The Good Life Blog), Natasha (Hello! Happiness) and April (A. Liz Adventures) for their weekly link up and sharing five things.
Still haven't heard back from the landlord about when we can expect our window to be repaired. I know code enforcement has at the very least left her voicemail. I personally gave him the number. I'm not holding my breath on hearing from her by the end of today of either. It's my opinion that she's trying to find a loop hole out of having to comply with all the repairs and updates required by the city.
I'm just glad that this time around, we sought appropriate action instead of waiting. I really enjoy renting from independent landlords because living in a huge apartment complex can make you feel cold. Like you're not part of a community. The neighbors don't get to know each other as well as I've gotten to know some of our neighbors from the independent places we've lived. And I enjoy supporting small business owners. I donate to enough chain stores on a monthly basis as it is.
However, this is probably going to be our last time renting from a small/independent landlord or property management company. I've already started looking into townhouses.
The clearance at my favorite Target has fallen by the way side y'all. I remember their clearance prices being so much cheaper. I guess they've upped their prices a bit. I still love them though. We've been there two weekends in a row! Moo added more stuff to her Christmas list last weekend. Poor Santa is going to have a broken back trying to lug around all her gifts.
When you starting doing tests and therapies, you stand the chance of finding other and possibly worst things wrong. I'm staying prayerful and hopeful though. God has the final say at the end of day.
I'm reading The Invisible Girls: A Memoir
I've already started watching Christmas movies! I've seen Elf for like the 2 millionth time. I talked Moo into watching Arthur Christmas with once. And we've both seen Rise of the Guardians a few times. I even watch Rudolph on Netflix! I just love Christmas and all the holiday cheer.
Halloween is great but Christmas is better!
Halloween is great but Christmas is better!
Don't forget you can catch me on these other hot spots
I'm sure Moo is going to be fine. Kids develop at different times and such. And I can't wait to own because I'm so sick of property management offices...can't wait to own someday soon! Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm looking forward to home ownership too. At least I know then that things will get fixed right away.
DeleteChristmas movies is almost that time. My hubs hates apartments but down here they are cheaper than renting out a house. I wish they had better programs where you could rent out a house and then maybe own it in two years.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if we have any rent to own programs here, but now that you've mentioned it, I 'm going to look into it. That could be a happy medium for us.
DeleteI'm with you Halloween is fun but Christmas is WAY better. I cannot wait until the cheeseball movies come on Hallmark hahaha! I'm adding your little one to my prayers for his speech. They develop differently - many times boys struggle with it more than girls. It WILL be ok! Cannot wait to read your take on that book - I have heard of it but not read it! Have a fantastic weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteYes!! I am all about the holiday movies on the Hallmark Channel. I literally live in front of the tv watching them. And thanks for the reassurance. I'm staying positive that JJ's language breakthrough will come soon.
DeleteBest of luck with the house hunt. Having to deal with that and JJ's doctors appointments can't be easy.
ReplyDeleteNo, they're not easy, but it's the life agree to when you become a parent. You just never know the hurdles you'll have to overcome, but I'm thankful to have him and know that we'll get through this.
DeleteYour blog looks great! My computer was not working for months and I finally have it working again. I am happy to be able to visit my favorite blogs. I like reading nonfiction books. I will look into this one. I am looking forward to Christmas and everything that comes with it! I love the holidays. I hope you are well. Have a great night!
ReplyDeleteMama Hen
Glad you have your computer back up and running! I wondering if something had happened because I noticed that I wasn't seeing any regular posts or updates from you. Hope that all is well with you too!
Deletelol! I love this time of year, too! I try to get the kids into the holiday movies and whatnot, but sometimes they just don't care. I'll have to put that book on my list on goodreads!
ReplyDeleteMy kids are definitely not into the Halloween movies, but Moo does love the Christmas movies. So, that works out perfectly because there are only a handful of Halloween movies I like anyway.