$25 Amazon Gift Card Valentine's Day DIY Sweepstake

Disclosure:  This sweepstake is sponsored and hosted by Guidecentral.  I am being compensated for each entrant who enters using my affiliate link.

Valentine's Day is almost here and what better way to get in the mood than with a Valentine's Day DIY Sweepstake sponsored and hosted by Guidecentral?!  After all, who couldn't use one of these 6 $25 gift cards to Amazon?  I know I could.  Although, I filled up my Kindle over Christmas, I've spotted two really cool tripods-one for my camera and one for me phone.  The best part is that there aren't a ton of hoops to jump through for this giveaway.  Check out the steps in the picture below.

So, there you have it folks, three easy steps and then you're in the running to win the $25 Amazon gift card. The sweepstake ends on February 23rd and the winner will notified via email by Guidecentral. You do have to be 21 or older to enter this giveaway.  Furthermore, I just wanted to throw it out there that any monies I do receive from this opp goes towards my BlogHer'14 or Be Blogalicious fund!  Moo, JJ and I would love catch up with you ladies (and gentleman) in person at one of these conferences later on this year.   So, be sure to pin on Pinterest, tweet on Twitter and share this post on Facebook!

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  1. Nice Sweepstake! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes to all of these. Especially the Spicy Mango Mocktail. That just looks downright delicious. Especially now that my munckin is asleep! Pinning this so I can remember the recipe later. Thanks for sharing!
