The Blogmopolitan Quiz

I stumbled across this magazine style blog quiz, The Blogmopolitan Quiz, on XOXORebecca who got the quiz from Two Thirds Hazel.  Anyways, I thought it was a pretty cool idea since I've always been a fan of magazine quizzes.  They just remind of the all the times my older sister and I would sit in her bedroom with the latest YM or Seventeen magazine taking the boyfriend and beauty quizzes.  Of course, as we got older and grown we've upgraded to taking the quizzes in adult magazines like Cosmo.  

While those surveys aren't always accurate, most of the time they are spot on.  Plus, if you save them, it's a nice way to look back on what your likes and personality are from year to year.  I have to admit that I've changed and grown a lot since my YM and Seventeen days.  So, I hope you enjoy reading my quiz answers and get to know a little bit more about me.

What's one thing that you definitely don't get enough of?

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  1. You don't watch scandal.....whaaaaaaaaaaa. I feel you on being impatient I don't have it by the time I have asked my hubs to do things 5 or 6 times I get up and do it myself even if it means lifting something heavy when I want something done I want it done that minute.

    1. I just can't get into. My sister has tried to get me to watch it, but I just have no interest in it. Love Kerry Washington though! I told the Mr I'm working on my patience, but he has to work on avoiding doing things that I've already told him will annoy me.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's so important to have some type of stance in this anything goes society we live in.

  3. Replies
    1. I agree. They may try our patience, but when all is said and done, we never get enough of the ones we love because life is so fleeting.

  4. I LOVED YM as a teen too. It was my fave magazine. I enjoyed their quizzes, but the feature I liked best was their embarrassing stories. Thinking about that in particular helped me to conceptualize

    I can't get with the Scandal addiction either. Based off of the comments I see on Facebook, it seems like a large investment of time and energy. I don't think I can keep up. LOL

    1. Yes, those FB & Twitter statuses about Scandal has be convinced that somebody is going to have a heart attack watching that show if they haven't already! Glad to know I'm not the only one off the Scandal Train. And those embarrassing stories were pretty funny. I miss that magazine.

  5. This is awesome! I try and "sing" when nobody is around, too! I bet you sing closer to Mariah than I ever could though, LOL!

  6. Great quiz. You had so many answers that I was like "me too!" for.
    Those YM and 17 mags were everything back in the day!
    I can't believe you're not a scandalite. It's a well done show. Very fun to watch.

  7. I love this quiz, it really a fun way to get to know you more. I haven't watched Scandal yet, but after Once Up a Time I might start watching it, hehe

  8. lately I step out of the shower with my inner Celine Dion singing :)

  9. Oh the quizzes. I loved taking quizzes as long as they were conducted outside of the classroom I was game. I really like this. Pinning it and doing it!
