Top 10 Family Portrait Ideas

Today, I'm sharing my top 10 family portrait ideas as inspired by some late night Pinterest surfing.  Truly that site is addictive.  Anyways, I don't know if you remember but getting family portraits done was listed as one of my resolutions/goals for 2014. (See it here).  So, I've got two potential photographers lined up and now all I need to do besides decide what we're wearing is narrow down a concept, style or theme for our shoot.  Check out some of my favorites from Pinterest below.



I love this follow the leader/tallest to shortest style family portrait option.  And with the possibility that we might able to get a dog (more on that later), wouldn't it be cute to have JJ holding the leash with our furry friend being on the end?  I already have of what this would look like for us in my head.



We'd definitely have to wait until it warmed up for this one because there are no lush fields around here yet.  But I love the thought of capturing something so intimate like a kiss.  I'm a firm believer that kids need to witness affection between parents in order to know how to reciprocate to their spouse when they're grown.  I, also, like this picture because I'm a country girl gone city and this would be a great way to incorporate country upbringing.



How gorgeous is this?  Family, sunset, open field....  What could be better?  I'm loving this silhouette style shoot and can totally see myself holding JJ and the Mr holding Moo of course.  And maybe our little furry friend can sit in the middle?  



I've always been a fan of the picture in a picture photos.  This is cute.  I would love to get a really ornate frame and dress up black tie style.  Plus, we could do one of the kids holding the frame with me and the Mr in the background and then switch it up and put the kids in the background.  Lots of fun possibilities with this one.



I just know the kids would have fun with this one.  Of course, they would each want to take turns hanging upside down.  Plus, I like that this gives the kids a chance to be the main focus.  They grow up so fast that I don't mind one bit having them be stars.



I know that Christmas is gone, but we could spruce the wreath up with hearts and little cupids to make it look appropriate for Valentine's Day or switch it out for a box of heart shaped chocolates or a stuffed bear.  And we don't have snow, but I love the idea of being out on a flat surface with trees in the background and capturing the true essence of the season.  Not to mention, I don't have a ton of pictures with the kids that I am in.

We could take turns shooting shots with the kids individually,  then the Mr and I got do a couple shot and at the end do one big family shot.  Again there are a lot of possibilities with this one.



Nothing like going the traditional route.  I remember taking photos like this when I was younger with my family.  The girls would coordinate or match outfits with my mom and my brother would wear something coordinated with us.



Incorporating the initial of our last name would be cute!  And we could play around with how we wanted the initial pop out.  Like it could be hiding or hanging somewhere in the background.  It could be leaning against something on the ground or one of the kids could be holding it.



There's just something appealing and almost rustic about abandoned train tracks.  I've always wanted my picture taken on one but never got around to before I moved into the city.  I'd love to hunt down some nearby and go for it.  Why not make it a family thing while there, right?  We could even bring a trunk or rocking chairs to use as props for the kids to sit on.



Family photos taken on bridges and docks just seem so peaceful and full of joy and happiness.  We took pictures on a bridge over a pond for my sister's wedding and they turned out great.  I'd love to try the same concept with my family.  There's this one park we go to here in the QC that has a love arched bridge that I think would be the perfect setting if we did something like this.

So, as you all can see, Pinterest has given me a lot of inspiration to choose from.  I'm looking forward to deciding on a style/concept for the shoot and keeping our family portraits done finally!  Oh, don't forget to stop by the Facebook page and share a post related to motherhood, parenting or family for Motherhood Monday.  Just click on the badge below and it will take there.  Also,  Happy MLK, Jr Day!!

When was the last time your family took pictures together?

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  1. love these ideas! I can't wait to get springtime pictures of our family of 4 :)

    1. Glad you like then. Hopefully, you found some inspiration for your upcoming family pictures!

  2. Oh yes Pinterest is very addicting! I wanted to take professional family pictures this fall but my kids kept getting sick so we never got them done. Maybe this spring. I love #5, I can picture my daughter loving that pose!

    1. Yes, I think #5 would be favorite for most kids! Here's to hoping everyone stays well enough this Spring so that you guys can get your family pictures done.

  3. Pinterest is so addicting, but I get a lot of great ideas from there. Those are all great ideas, I love how playful and fun #5 is. Filing away for when I have kids :)

    1. Pinterest is very addicting, but so resourceful at the same time.

  4. I love these! The first one and the one with one kid hanging upside down are my faves. I'd so love to have a family big enough to the the first though. What a fun post! Pinned and tweeted. Love, love, love!

    1. I definitely think #1 is perfect for medium for big families. For smaller families, you could add the family at the end to give it a little bit more length. Thanks for pinning and tweeting!

  5. These are great ideas. I love them all! My entire family has not taken a portrait in a while, but my son and I regularly take great photos because I want him to always have these moments in time to look back on.

    1. After we get this set of family pictures done, I definitely want to make more of an effort to take family pictures together on a regular basis. It'll be nice for them to look back on lots of family pictures and walk down memory lane with their children one day.

  6. Hi! Lovely to meet you, I'm Emma and I'm in your SITS tribe :) Beautiful blog, I can tell I'm gonna like it here. Off to follow you on all other channels lol.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Emma. It's a pleasure to 'meet' you!

  7. Any photo taken outside is a winner for me. I'm really wanting to do one at an old church.

    1. Oh, an old church is a great idea! And I agree that outdoor pictures are a winner. We love nature here.

  8. Super cute ideas. We did family photos for Christmas, but these shots are so much cuter. Stopping by SITS

    1. I wish we had took pictures for Christmas. Holidays are so special. I'm sure your family pictures turned out great!

  9. I love the one with the little girl upside down, that's our family all day! :)

    1. Same here! It's so fun and the more fun something seems, the more likely kids are to cooperate.

  10. #7 is how I grew up taking pics (my mom would often make me and my 3 siblings outfits!), but I like the more candid family portraits now that I have my own family.

    1. I prefer the candid shots myself too. They really capture the family's personality.

  11. I love 2 and 10, but they are all great ideas.

    1. Yes, they are. Hopefully, as the years pass, we get a chance to try all of them.

  12. I love the 2nd and 3rd the most so pretty but I truly love them all. We have not taken family photos since 2009...I gotta get my body looking right before I do another photoshoot. I don't even do studio photoshoots anymore I stayed in Olan Mills but now that I have my own camera and know some great bloggy buddies who do photography I will stick to that.

    1. Sadly, not a lot of my blogging friends in this area are quite as experienced with cameras. Thankfully, I have two that are professional photographers from the fashion world!

  13. Those are all beautiful! I am a believer in family portraits--yeah, they cost money, but you can't ever get those moments back. I love non-traditional family pictures, so a lot of these would be awesome for us.

    Also, I'm one of your SITS tribe members. Glad to meet you!

    1. Exactly! The memories you preserve are worth every penny. Pictures can get passed down from generation to generation. Glad to have you as part of my tribe!

  14. I'm all for the traditional. My family is so big there is no other way for us lol

    1. Yes, traditional is a great choice for large families. You can still play with the angles and poses but have some balance too.

  15. I love #5. I definitely want to try that one for our next family photo session.

  16. We're definitely trying to figure out a family portrait option. This rounds up a lot in one convenient spot! Love it, and thank you for doing it.

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad these options were of help for you.

  17. I love these ideas for family pictures. I'll be pinning this to use later. Thanks for the ideas! Discovered your blog through the SITS group - happy to have found you!

  18. What great ideas for family pictures - I'll be pinning this to use later. Just discovered your blog through the SITS group - happy to have found you!
    Joanie @ ZagLeft

  19. Aww so creative! Much better then the standard family photo we have all seen in our friends homes (and ours). lol Love it!
