"There's a lot of joy to be found in the big moments of life. There's even more to be found in the small things. Ask people about the happiest times in their lives and they will most likely pause, search their minds a second or two, and mention a significant event their lives. The day they were married. . . . Then ask these people what makes them the happiest and you're likely to get simple answers. They'll reply with things like good meals with family and friends, pursuing hobbies, catching a movie, watching a ball game, or listening to music."
~Jud Wilhite, The God of Yes: How Faith Makes All Things New
It's Thursday, YUMMS! Today, I woke up with a massive headache behind my left eye and to the news that one of my great cousins on my father's side passed away yesterday evening. She had been battling breast cancer and while I'm sure everyone was trying to remain hopeful that she would pull through and it would go into remission, it didn't. She died just a few hours before her daughter's birthday, which is today.
So, today I've just been so focused on just reminding myself of all the little things I need to continue to give thanks for. And while being among the living isn't a little thing, we often go sleep and just take for granted that we will wake the next time. I'm grateful that my family and I were able to see another day today. I'm grateful that my husband has returned safely from work every morning this week. His job is very dangerous and he puts his life on the line daily.
I'm thankful for being able to enjoy simple moments. For example, yesterday the kiddies and I pigged out on popsicles and watched The Witches last night. I was sitting on the couch and just thought to myself these are the moments I want more of. There are times that I just get so caught up in trying to be the perfect parent, wife, sister, daughter, writer, etc. And all I forget to take time to just be with my loved ones.
I'm thankful that I got a chance to finally trim JJ's hair down. We're still not going to get it cut like a fade or anything, but I trimmed his curls down quite a bit because it's like mega-hot down here. My poor baby has been sweating and scratching his head left and right whenever we venture outside. I'm hoping he'll have some relief now that his scalp can breathe a little bit more.
We will have been in our apartment a month next week and I'm so thankful that all been well. It's been so nice to have quietness and be back closer to my favorite stores (LOL). I love that the library, bank and grocery store are two minutes away. The less time it takes me to get to our favorite places, the more time we can spend hanging out there.
I'm thankful that the kids have been enjoying participating in the Summer Reading Program through our library. We read every night among other activities. Seeing them so fond of books warms my heart. Reading is a big part of learning and knowing that they love it reassures me that they will be do well in school this year.
What are you giving thanks for?
I don't hate many things but I hate that cancer. I am thankful that I get to spend time with my kids and it doesn't matter what you do as long as you spend time. I use to always want to take them somewhere that costs money but a simple game of hide and seek brings more joy to them than anything.
ReplyDeleteI love being close to my favorite stores too. Of course, that happens to be Walmart, where I do most of my grocery shopping.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love that the kids are reading every night. I used to do that too as a kid during the summer!