#WOWSummit 2014: 3 Reasons I'm Going

Have you heard the new?  Yours truly has been invited to attend WOW Summit 2014, November 7-9th in Orlando, Florida thanks to Moms Meet.  For those of you not familiar, WOW Summit is a conference designed for moms (and dads) who are interested in living and raising families in a healthy/natural lifestyle. Today, I'm sharing my 3 reasons for why I'm going and why you should plan on attending too.

The Experts

When it comes to healthy living I feel like there is still so much out there for me to learn, especially when you have family with some many allergies like mine.  Therefore, what better way to learn more about how I can make this journey to living a healthy and balanced lifestyle than by taking a few notes from the real experts.  I'm also working on a list of questions in case there are Q&A opportunities at the end of each session. My three sessions that I am really looking forward to sitting in on are: 

The Brands

As a blogger having the opportunity to interact with representatives from brands like Zevia and KIWI Shop, just to name a few, can be like the winning the networking lottery in many ways.  We're no longer just a face on a social media page or a name on a blog.  Likewise, we get the chance to really feel out brands we already like and make connections with new brands that we may have never tried before.

As mom, I get to really ask the hard questions like "Is your product really made of all natural ingredients?" or make suggestions like "Have you thought about adding gluten-free and/or dairy-free products to your line?"  At the end of the day what I've learned in the past through my interaction with brands face to face is that they really value the feedback of their consumers.  They're about making sure that they are providing the best products that they can and what better way to do that than with feedback from the families who buying their merchandise.

The Moms

Did you know there's going to be a poolside cocktail party and a Mom's Night Out comedy show at WOW Summit 2014?!  Listen I love my kids, but sometimes I need be around other moms (and dads) for some grown up talk.  I'm anxious to see if I'll run into any familiar faces from the blogging world and excited at the possibility of making new friends with both bloggers and non-bloggers.  I'll have my phone, contact cards and an address book with tons of ink pens handy to exchange emails, blog urls and phone numbers.

How Can You Attend WOW Summit 2014?

So now that I've told you my top 3 reasons for heading to WOW Summit 2014, I hope that I've piqued your interest and that you're now planning to attend as well.  Still need a little extra motivation?  What if I told you that you could save 50% off your ticket price with their early bird special ($75) by registering by July 31st!  Regular tickets are $150 otherwise.

You'll also be entered for a chance to win tickets to Walt Disney World Resort if you purchase an early bird ticket.  Still need more incentive?  Use promo code Summit-STW046 and receive 20% your ticket price for both early bird and regular tickets. 

Now for the really good news . . .   Moms Meet has been generous and gracious enough offer me the opportunity to give YUMMommy readers a chance to enter to win a ticket to WOW Summit 2014!  I can't wait to see which one of you YUMMs will be hanging out with me in Orlando this November.  Just check out the Rafflecopter form below to enter.  The giveaway will end August 18th at 11:59 PM.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I've been debating on whether to go or not. It looks like a great event! I would love a workshop on natural remedies.

    1. I definitely think this is an event worth attending if you are really into starting or maintaining a healthy living lifestyle.

    2. I attended with a friend last year and we really enjoyed learning and getting to know other like-minded moms! Am excited about meeting everyone again in November. There are some fabulous speakers this year!

    3. Hopefully, we'll run into each other this year! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Good for you!! I'm also attending my very first bloggers conference in October and I am so incredibly excited. Blogging can be such a lonely thing so it will be really nice to connect with others in real life. This event looks incredible. It is a little far for me, but I think everyone in the area should try to go!

    great giveaway!

    1. Yes, this is a lot far for you. Anyways, have fun at your conference in October. Can't wait for your recaps and outfit posts.

  3. I'd want to discuss with other bloggers and brands, how eating healthy can be made more affordable for families.

    1. Yes, because eating healthy can be expensive if you don't know the tips and tricks on where and when to shopnor what brands to avoid.

  4. I'll be there! Make sure to say hi!

  5. I need to learn more about cross contamination with gluten. Having 2 GF kids in a not GF house is tough.

  6. How cool! That sounds like fun! Congrats on the invite. I'm looking forward to hearing about it from you.

    I have made MAJOR changes to our diet and lifestyle in the past few months. And because of my hard work, I managed to lose over 20lbs in two months. I'm sure you've noticed the influx of juice recipes on my blog? I owe a lot of my weight-loss on juicing and green smoothies. So delicious, so healthy.

    If you don't have a juicer, I highly recommend you go out and get one. Best. Purchase. Ever!

    1. Congrats on the weight loss! 20 lbs in 2 months is impressive and I'm loving the juice/smoothie recipes.

  7. Sounds great! You will get so much great information and freebies too! It will be wonderful to meet a lot of like minded folks and make new friends! It's in Orlando, do something fun while you are there :-)

    1. I'm really excited to learn more and meet others who are into healthy living and being Green.
