Mommy Camp 101: Take Your Family's Summer From Drab To Fab!

Hi YUMMs!  So remember last week when I announced that I was working a top secret project with one of my favorite blogger friends?  Well, I can finally let the cat out of the bag.  Earlier this month Tara from The Young Mommy Life approached me about co-hosting a Google Hangout focused on helping SAHM/WAHM how to take their family's summer from drab to fab.  

You want to know how and where to find other moms/playgroups?  Haven't clue where to start when it comes to saving money because let's face it bills and expenses do go up during the summer months since the kids are no longer at school?  Maybe, you're looking for some inspiration on what fun activities to put on your family's summer bucket list?  Let us show you how to make this summer possibly the best summer EVER without breaking the bank. 

So, mark your calendars because it's going down on Tuesday, April 28th starting at 9 PM EST.   Also, be sure the follow the #MommyCamp101 hashtag on Twitter and tweet us (@YUMMommies and @TheYoungMommy) during the Hangout!  Oh did I mention there will be giveaways?!!  You'll have to tune in to the hangout next week to find out what we're giving away and how you can win.  

I hope to see you there.  You can RSVP here and watch here next Tuesday.

What was your favorite family summer activity when you were a kid?  
Share your fave memories in the comments below.

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  1. I spent the whole summer in the pool or at the lake.

  2. I loved having the freedom to just be outside all day! No schedule, no homework, just freeeeeeee! :)

    I'll 'tune in' for sure!

  3. We usually spend the summer at my mother in laws pool. Excited for the hangout and giveaways!!

  4. Good to know! I'll have to RSVP next Tues. My favorite summer activity as a kid was simply just being outside.

  5. What a fabulous idea! My blogging partner and I had fun creating a series of at home playdates and day camps for kids at home last Summer! We're planning to repeat this year!

  6. Oh this is really cool! Sadly I am busy with getting all my schoolwork done as I have my graduation ceremony on Friday

  7. Sounds like a great time! I can't wait to hear everyone's ideas during the chat

  8. I loved just bein' outside with the other kids are goin' to the library to check out books. Sounds like a great hangout

  9. This is awesome! Looking forward to your tweets & updates :)
