Firework: From Kindergarten To First Grade

Dear Moo,

You did it!  Congratulations, you have officially graduated Kindergarten and will be advancing to First Grade this August.  I'm so proud of you and all the hard work you put in.  Your first year of school did not get off to a great start, but you hung in there.  You were such the determined little trooper.

This past school year you overcame so much including the Mean Girls, adjusting to having three different teachers in one school year and coming out of your shell.  Speaking of coming out of your shell, you blossomed into quite the social butterfly this year.  It was great to see making friends with kids your class.  I think that was hands down the highlight of your school year.

The second highlight of your school year were the fieldtrips!  You got to go to a farm to pick pumpkins and visit the petting zoo.  And you had your first trip to Discovery Place Kids.  You really enjoyed Discovery Place Kids and have been asking to go back.  I can't say that blame you because there was so much to see and do there.  I'm sure we'll fit it into our summer plans.

Your favorite elective class was art.  I wasn't surprised because you're my little firework.  You have tons of artwork and I can't for to look back on some of the pictures you made when you're older.   Gym was your least favorite elective.  You were not a fan of all the running and walking they made you all do on the track.

I already knew you were very bright for your age, but we discovered that you're quite the math whiz!   You won the Excellence in Mathematics award all four school quarters.  I'm hoping this continues to be the case as math only gets more complex the higher you advance.  You aced all of your end-of-year goals and tests.

My highlight of your first year of school was becoming the class mom.  It was fun getting to hang out with you in your class and accompany you on fieldtrips.  We were able to get in lots of mommy-daughter bonding time.  I got to watch you in action interacting with your friends.  I have to say that I'm very proud of the friends you've made.  You've aligned yourself with other kids who are passionate about learning and who believe in showing compassion to others.

Partners in crime forever after Moo's kindergarten graduation

We both disliked that your school had uniform policy and were super excited when you finally got to pick out an outfit that showed off your personality for your kindergarten graduation.   You'll be going to a new school this upcoming school year.  We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that some of your friends will be joining you at the new school.  I can't wait to see all of the new memories you will make.

I'm beyond proud of you.  Keep showing 'em what you're worth my little firework!

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  1. So glad your daughter was resilient and made it through all the ups and downs of the school year! That can be such a challenge at any age but especially Kindergarten! Best wishes for next year!

  2. My little girl is getting ready to head into first grade as well

  3. Yay congrats to her. My daughter is going to the 1st grade also I didn't realize we had daughters the same age/grade level. Can't wait to hear all about the 1st grade.

  4. The kindergarten to first grade leap is a huge one--I'm SO glad that your daughter had a great end to her year! She sounds like she'll be all set to conquer school next year, too!

  5. Aww, I love this letter to your little one. FIeldtrips were the best
