Happy Sunday! It's the end of Week Two of National Blog Posting Month. This week felt incredibly long. Things are starting to look like I've reached the end of the road in this year's NaBloPoMo challenge.
For starters those cold germs I mentioned last week that were floating around the YUMMommy household have decided to wage an all out, full force attack on me and JJ's immune system. Moo's immune system seems to have finally gotten a little stronger thanks to her being sick pretty much all last year. Unfortunately, my immune system has been weak since birth and has chosen to stay that way. Therefore, JJ and I are both laid up in bed with runny noses, chest congestion, bad couches, voices almost gone, fever and minor body aches.
I've never been more jealous of my kids than I am now. Moo shook her bug in less than 24 hours and JJ has still managed to have a decent amount of energy as well as his usual appetite. Me? Not so much. I feel like I've been in a bad car wreck and food is the least appealing. And I forgot to mention that my throat is swollen.
Also, today the kids almost took out the Christmas tree wrestling! This is what happens when you are the mother of a boy and a princess who's also in touch with her tom boy side. Thankfully, no kids were hurt, I was able to straighten the tree back out and it's still standing. You all might recall, Moo took out our tree two years ago on Christmas Day and we had to trash it because one of the trunk poles broke.
Lastly, the fan on my computer died. And because my laptop doesn't want me to overheat the circuits and kill it for good, it will only stay on for 15 seconds at a time. It chooses to use those 15 seconds to let know that my fan has crashed and that it will be shutting down automatically to avoid damage.
So, I am currently blogging from my phone. Listen when I tell y'all this blogging and motherhood stuff ain't easy! The struggle is too real right about now. If you don't see me around these parts tomorrow or the rest of the week, know that my NaBloPoMo journey is done because I'm doped up on meds and I'm a light weight when it comes to any medicine or my computer is still down because I'm waiting on a replacement fan.
Love you guys!
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