Hi y'all! Although this Monday has been absolutely gloomy with nothing but dark clouds and bucket after bucket of rain, I'm feeling happy. Why? Well, it's Day 9 of #NaBloPoMo and I've made it an entire week of blogging. Yes, this is something to celebrate because I usually don't blog at all on the weekends.
I'm so proud of myself for knocking out Week 1. NaBloPoMo is a lot to take on when you're not a daily blogger. Plus, did I mention that I was also participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? That's going good as well thanks to my NaNo writing buddy. She's absolutely amazing and we've been meshing well together so far.
Anyways, I started off NaBloPoMo announcing that I was going to participate in the challenge to blog everyday in November. After what's a challenge without a little bit of accountability? Plus, sharing is caring, right? I've been seeing so many other bloggers on social media talk how they've never heard of NaBloPoMo until stumbled across other bloggers announcement posts. I'm glad that I could do my part and help spread the work about this challenge and look forward to all the new bloggers joining in next year.
Also, last week I shared my desire to become a better photographer. No, I'm not looking for a career switch or move. I've just come to understand that my photography skills need a bit of work. I feel like I'm not capturing so many things and people properly. There's no greater frustration than when you're trying your best and it still leaves a little bit lacing
Because Turkey Day is coming up, I thought it'd be good to share my unofficial Thanksgiving menu with you all. And while we're on the subject of Thanksgiving, I can't wait to share my upcoming post of yummy recipes you'll want to add yours.
I talked to you all about how decided to through my excuses in the trash and get serious about spending time doing things that I really want to do. I'm determined to make time for what matters most to me (and my family).
What would a week over here on YUMMommy be without my weekly Thankful Thursday post? I love being able to look back over my week and reflect on all the great things that I have happened for us. I've said this many times, it's easy to get caught up in focusing only on the negative. Thankful Thursday is my way of keeping the darkness away or bringing out the sun on a rainy day.
Blogging hasn't been all roses. Starting YUMMommy has definitely had it's charming times. And when you're almost ready to throw in the towel, I think it's a great idea to remind yourself of all the reasons you love blogging. I did!
I ended the week with a tasty new recipe brought to YUMMommy readers by Pillsbury. If you haven't checked out my Frosted Pecan Faux Doughnuts recipe, then I suggest you get on it. I'm also giving away PayPal Cash too.
And that's it for my Week 1 posts. I have even more awesome posts in store this week and next week. So, what about you all? Are you participating in NaBloPoMo? How was your first week?
Let me know in the comments below how you're enjoying this challenge so far!
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