Thankful Thursday

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."
- Proverbs 25:11

Happy Thankful Thursday!  I'm thankful we're getting closer and closer to Thanksgiving Day.  I can hardly wait.  What about y'all?  I'm about to burst from the excitement of not having to get up early because it'll be Fall break and I can just be surrounded by my family for a couple of days.  Of course, I'm excited about the food!  If you haven't already check out my Thanksgiving menu for this year.

Also, Moo started riding the bus to and from school this week.  The struggles of being a family with only one car.  Thankfully, her bus driver has a good handle on the kids and makes it her business to become familiar with the parents.  I like that if she sees a problem brewing she will point it out to parents and ask for their help in resolving the conflict.  Having worked in the school system, I respect school staff who try to get parents involved with their kids in any way possible and work together to not only make sure our children are getting a good education, but so that they can be kept safe as well.

JJ is continuing to make great progress.  I'm so grateful that he's finally catching up developmentally to other kids his age.  We've been working hard and it's showing.  He can count to ten (sometimes 12), he knows all of his primary colors, he can now pronounce everyone's names properly and he's popping new phrases everyday.  His phrase for today is posted below.

Most importantly, I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to have a pretty serious conversation with a trusted friend.  I confided in her about a few of major personal stresses that are going on behind the scenes, some frustrations about being a WAHM and the blogging world and how I felt like the walls had closed in on me.  I'm grateful not only for her listening ear, but for her words of encouragement and support.

What are you thankful for this week?

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