Thankful Thursday

"Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me."

Happy Thankful Thursday!  We're one more week closer to Thanksgiving and I can hardly wait.  I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, whipping up delicious dishes in the kitchen with Moo and giving thanks for every blessing that has come our way so far this year.

Moo got her report last Friday and I'm thankful to see that she's acing everything.  Of course, I already knew what to expect since we recently had parent-teacher conferences and she was acing everything then.  She finally got to be classroom monitor this week and it's been all she's talked about.  I'm beyond happy and thankful that this year is still going for her.  She's also still enjoying being a bus rider in the afternoons.

I'm grateful that JJ is adjusting to the decrease in his speech therapy session.  Now that he's able to express himself a lot better and form short sentences, there isn't much more that she can teach us.   He's picking up words and phrases fairly quickly.  We just have to work on bettering his pronunciation of certain words, but that will improve as we continue to practice saying those words daily.

I've been having fun doing NaBloPoMo and am grateful that I have been able to post everyday.  I'm also excited with the progress I'm making on NaNoWriMo project as well.  I've met quite a few awesome writers over on the NaNo site.  It feels great to be able to rattle on and on about fictional characters like they're real and not be looked at like I'm lame or crazy.  Plus, seeing strangers getting equally excited about my book and cheering me on has given me more confidence and gives me such a rush of pride in my work.

Overall, this has been a great week and I'm glad.  I felt like everything for falling to pieces a few weeks ago and the walls were caving in.  While they are still a few stresses and fires waiting to be ironed out, I feel refreshed and better equipped mentally to tackle them now.  I hope that you have been a having a great week as well.  Don't forget to check out my latest giveaway and take my 2015 YUMMommy Reader Survey!

What's on your gratitude list this week?

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