Thankful Thursday

"Muddy roads are always an opportunity.  Whatever trouble, no matter how loud the cacophony of fear, it is a time time to climb on our Father's back and hold on tight."

~ Grace Malone, Unafraid: 365 Days Without Fear

I'm sure that there are going to be plenty of muddy roads once all of the ice and snow we are supposed to be getting tonight and all day tomorrow melts on Sunday.  I'm ending my Thursday giving thanks for the Snow Day we are having tomorrow.  I have some sleep I need to catch up on and a three-day weekend is just the way to do it.  I know a lot of people laugh at the fact that down here in the Carolinas we cancel and shut down everything at the mention of snow and ice, but I'm grateful that we do.

Here in the Queen City, drivers have a hard enough time driving when road conditions are good.  After our hit and run accident, I would not want to out on icy roads trying to get Moo to school.  And having a mother who was a bus driver, I would not want school buses on the roads either.  All it takes is the wrong patch ice or a little mud and then you're getting a call from the school that your child's bus was involved in an accident.  We're just not equipped or experienced enough to drive in these conditions because for years we NEVER got snow or ice. 

However, that's been changing pretty much since my freshman year of college.  I do think that as we continue to see more snow year after that we will get with the problem though and these situations won't freak us out at much and we'll be better drivers in these conditions.  But until then my plan is to sleep in, cuddle up with my babies and enjoy a long weekend.

Speaking of cuddling, I've been curling up with these good books at night after I put the kids to bed.  I'm thankful for these great reads.  One of my goals/resolutions for the New Year was to read my devotional everyday and I'm grateful to say that I've been successful in doing so.  I've also been making it my business to read more books written by influencers and bloggers/v;oggers.  Not only is it great to read about their journeys to success, but I've been picking up a few tips and tricks here and there; learning something new everyday.

My little got his first barber shop haircut!  I'd been putting this off for years mainly because I wasn't sure how he would do.  The buzz of clippers, among other noises, has always been something that freaks him out.  As soon he would hear them, he'd take off running in the other direction or have a full on meltdown.  So, last year I decided to try to get him used to sound by sitting him outside the bathroom door while I turned on the clippers in the bathroom.

A photo posted by K. Elizabeth (YUMMommyâ„¢) (@theyummommy) on

He freaked out as expected the first few times, but gradually he got used to the sound and soon he was even starting to come into the bathroom to get a close look at the clippers.  I'm proud to say that he nothing but a champ during his barber shop visit.  I'm so proud of him and loving his new do although it's taking some getting used to. 

Lastly, I'm thankful for conversations with my family.  Since 2016 started, I've really been putting forth more of effort to keep in contact with my family beyond texting and Facebook.  So far Moo's created cute pictures for all for our extended family, we decorated envelopes and sent them out on Tuesday.  I can't wait for everyone to get their special picture.  We've also been Skyping and enjoying phones with my baby sister, mom and niece.

Remember to set aside time for you loved ones.  It's easy to get caught up the business of life, but always keep your priorities straight and hold those you love most close to your heart!

What are you giving thanks for this week?  Let me know in the comments. 

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1 comment

  1. Thanks for linking up at the Bloggers Spotlight this week! Don't forget to come link up Thursday night and see the features. Pinned to the group Bloggers Spotlight.
