Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday!  I'm so grateful to be back on the blogging wagon.  I took a brief blogging break to move YUMMommy from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress.  I'd said more than once that I wasn't interested in moving my blog, but then I got frustrated with not being able to add things and customize my site the way I wanted to without having to know how to code.  Don't get me wrong, I know a little HTML.

However it's so much easier being able to just add a plugin that does all the hard work instead.  I don't mind working hard, but sometimes working hard means working hard at working smarter.  I still have a few tweaks and changes to make, but for the most part I am happy that I made the switch.  Being the DIYer that I decided to move everything over myself and that was an experience.  I'm thankful for all for great customer service, the WordPress forum and Google because without these resources I would have had to move each post over manually.

Spring Break is over.  While some parents rejoice about being able to send their children back to school, I am that 1-5% of parents who dread having to give up sleeping in.  I am NOT a morning person.  JJ is NOT a morning person.  The struggle has been real to get up every morning after 10 straight days of sleeping in.  Also, we miss the freedom of being able to decide what we want to do for the day as a family and not rush about having to pick so and so up from school.  This is exactly why I'm thankful that Summer Break is right corner!

The kids have given me a list of some of the fun (and educational) places they would like to visit once school lets out.  I have to admit that I'm excited to see how many of these field trips we'll mark off our list.  As a mom, I'm proud of the fact that they purposefully picked out some of the places because they want to learn.  I don't know what I've done to instill a natural love of learning into my kids, but I'm kind of patting myself on the back.  They could have just as easily have requested to hang out by the pool and watch TV all summer (not that they have a chance of this happening).  The best part is that my mom, niece and sister will be tagging along on some of these field trips!

Faith is a refusal to panic.

~ D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

There have been some major changes going on behind the scenes in my personal life.  I'm thankful that through it all my faith has kept me strong and kept me from freaking out.  Life is full of curve balls, but you don't have to let those curve balls derail you.  We are all stronger than we think.  Regardless of our religions I truly believe that we can all take comfort in your faith when things don't go as planned or unexpected surprises arrive.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. Congrats again on the move and doing things by yourself! :)
    I'm with you, I'm not a morning person. I'm having the toughest time waking up early after our week of sleeping in.

  2. Awww... I love that you have a regular "Thankful Thursday"! And congrats on moving to WordPress! I think you'll like it much more.

    Let's see, I think I'm thankful for warm, sunny days. The feel of the sun on my skin makes me happy. :)
