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In case you were wondering, we are still going strong with the 52 Books In 2016 Challenge. This May book wrap-up would have been up sooner if I hadn't misplaced the notebook I was using to keep track of our reads. No worries, a little Summer decluttering helped me to find it buried underneath a pile of papers and coupons. May was a very good reading month for us with a total of 62 books read for the month.
Check out the books we read along with our fave picks below. You can find our April recap here in case you missed it last month. Here's to hoping you'll find some reads from our list to share with your family over the Summer!
May Reads
Click on the book covers for more information.
May Faves
Falling For Autumn by Sherelle Green
This book was an awesome read. I love a strong-willed heroine. She's independent, doesn't take any mess and calls her own shots. Autumn was definitely all of those those things. Also, I loved this story because it was nice to see how her character grew and finally allowed herself to become vulnerable.
Axel the Truck: Beach Race by J. D. Riley
JJ loved this book because it reminded him of Blaze and the Monster Machines. Aside from trains, he's also really into cars. This book was such a cute and easy read. Perfect for beginner readers.
Yes, we read a book about Thanksgiving in May. It was Hello Kitty and Moo just had to have it. She read it twice! Gotta love a child that is easy to please, at least when it comes to books.
Wicked Sexy Liar by Christina Lauren
OMG! Christina Lauren did it again. This book was amazing and I couldn't put it down. If you're a fan of sexy contemporary romance novels with real characters that will suck you in and give you ALL. THE. FEELS, check out this book or really any book written by this BFF duo.
What We're Reading This Month
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
I have heard so many great things about this book and its author. Seriously I think all of my favorite book bloggers and Booktubers have read this book and they gave it over four stars. I can't wait to get reintroduced to YA (Young Adult) fiction and Fantasy.
This is a children's book, but when I saw it the illustrations reminded me of Harry Potter. My family will tell you that I stan HARD as you know what for Harry Potter and J. K. Rowling. I can't wait to read this with the kids because I know they will appreciate the illustrations as well. Moo already asked if it was a Harry Potter book for kids and it made my heart so proud. The Harry Potter love will live on through her. Finally I have someone to whom I can gift my HP books in my will.
Whelp, we've read a total of 265 books for the year so far! Last month I bumped our goal from 150 to 300-500, but seeing as we're only 35 books away from hitting 300, I'm officially moving our family reading goal to 600 books read for 2016. Let's hope that the library has 300 books we haven't read yet. I'm on a ban from buying books from the bookstore until we can find sturdy bookshelves to replace the two my heavy book collection broke. *insert sad face*
However, thanks to my friends at Faith Words (Hachette Book Group), Random House, Harlequin and Kensington, my Kindle and night stand will full of adult reads all Summer long! Yay! This frees us up the money I would normally spend at Barnes and Noble or Target to go towards more ebooks and my real bookshelves fund. If any of my fellow booknerdigans have any recommendations on where I can get some really sturdy bookshelves without breaking the bank (i.e.-$100 or less) let me know in the comments. Most of my books are 350 pages or more and I like to stack my books two rows deep. So I need some sturdy shelves folks.
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