How To Be Positively Prepared For Back To School

I have received information and materials from JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER, Inc., McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division, LLC.  The opinions stated are my own.  This is a sponsored post.  #PositivelyPrepared #BacktoSchool #CollectiveBias

Back to school season is upon us.  The last few days of summer vacation are flying by.  For some of us getting our children ready to head back into the classroom can be both a cause for celebration and a bit of a headache.  No worries moms (and dads), I have you covered.  Keep reading because I'm going to teach you how to be positively prepared for the first day of school and rock out the school year like a pro.  I even created a few printables to help out even more and make these steps easier to remember.

How To Be Positively Prepared For Back To School

Set A Routine/Schedule

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a big fan of routines.  It's part of the reason why I love Summer Break so much.  However, not having detailed routine or structure time schedules during the school year would be a headache waiting to happen.  Maybe even a migraine.  It's important to set routines for morning time, after school and bedtime.  The easiest way to create a customized back to school routine with your family is to sit down and list out all of the tasks you all have to do in the mornings, afternoons and evenings like breakfast, homework,  bath time, football practice, etc.

Next you want to set what time your days will start (wake up alarm) and end (lights out alarm).  Then from there you can start pencil in which tasks can/need to be during a certain part of day (morning, after school or bedtime).  Take it a step further and add specific times during which those tasks are done if needed.  For example, we're in the house from school by 4:30 PM.  Moo knows that first thing we thing we do after school is snack time. (Click on the image above to download your printable)

Remember being consistent and committing to these routines is equally if not more important than setting them.  I recommend starting/practicing your back to school routines two weeks before school actually starts to get your family adjusted to your new schedule and to also work out any kinks.  Don't forget if things change like your child signing up an additional extracurricular activity, just go back and adjust your routine/schedules as needed.

Prepare Ahead

I'm NOT a morning person, but of one of the things that helps me to function to better when I have to get up early during the school year is being prepared ahead of time.  I get a jump start on the next week of school by washing, ironing and hanging Moo's uniforms up on the weekends.  Then the night before each day I hang a fresh uniform on the rack behind the bathroom door.  After she brushes her teeth, this makes it easier to for her to then get dressed for school without the stress and fuss of trying to find uniform pieces and ironing them the morning of.  It also keeps us on schedule and allows for a little bit more time of sleeping in.

So anything that you can prepare ahead, do it.  Work smarter, not harder y'all!

Keep Necessary Medicines On Hand

You guys know that school is Germ City.  It's just a fact of life.  Moo stayed catching germs from school her kindergarten year, getting sick and then spreading those germs to us at home, mainly me.  She caught the flu and almost ended up in the hospital.  She wasn't back at school a month before she was home again after catching Strep Throat from a classmate.

The kids and I both survived those sick moments and more not only with the help of antibiotics, but also with a little help from our favorite OTC medicines.

Children's MOTRIN® has been a staple in our household for years.  It tackles and relieves a fever and pain like no other pain relievers we've tried with the kids.  It's long lasting (up to 8 hours), is recommended for kids 2 to 11 years old and comes in a variety of yummy flavors- Bubble Gum, Grape and Berry.

At the end of last school year, I got sidelined when I suffered a severe back, shoulder and neck muscle sprain.  Not fun or convenient at all when you have little kids to chase after and take to school.  I was still in pain after I finished my prescription meds until the Mr introduced me to TYLENOL® 8 HR Muscle Aches & Pain.  It was perfect for me because I really didn't want to start on prescription meds again (they can be addictive), but I didn't want to deal with muscle aches either.  Recommended for children 12 years and older, TYLENOL® 8 HR Muscle Aches & Pain acts fast and lasts all day up to 8 hours!  Did you know TYLENOL® is the #1 brand of pain reliever recommended by doctors?

I'm no stranger to BENGAY® and was super excited to find that my Target carries Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream (recommended for children age 12 and older).  This perfect for me to use on days when I've worked my back too much and need to soothe my muscles or in case I sprain something else.  What can I say taking care of kids and everyday life activities can be tough on our bodies.  Spend a day volunteering to lift boxes of books and supplies at your child's school and you'll be reaching for your Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream too!

I purchased up all of these products from one of my local Target stores.

Here's the quickest and easiest tutorial you'll probably see this year.

 How to be Prepared When Sickness Hits at Home, On the go and at School

Step 1: Head to your local Target and pickup the following:

- 3 Children's MOTRIN®

- 2 TYLENOL® 8 HR Muscle Aches & Pain

- 2 Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream

- 1 box gallon zipper sandwich bags

- 1 pack of permanent markers

Step 2: (For Home) Store one of each product in your medicine cabinet or a cool,

dry place that is hard to reach for children, but easy for you.

Step 3: (For On The Go)  Use tape to secure measuring cup(s) to medicine bottle(s).

Then place one of each product in sandwich bag and close.  Drop bag in your purse or

diaper bag.  Store out of reach of children.

Step 4: (For School)  Use tape to secure measuring cup(s) to medicine bottle(s).

Then place one of each product in sandwich bag and close.  Drop bag off to school

nurse and/or front office.  Pick up leftover medicine at end of school year

~ Other JOHNSON & JOHNSON OTC Products to Consider ~

- Extra Strength TYLENOL® TYLEONAL® PM

- Children's TYLENOL Â®



Seriously who has time to deal with the flu and body aches?  We sure don't and neither do you or your family!  Get positively prepared with the right pain relief for you and your family at Target.  Pick up your printable below so you can have this tutorial handy for many years to come.

As a parent of two and having worked in the classroom, I know that it is very important to start the school year off right and headache free.  Therefore, I sincerely hope these tips, printables and tutorial will help you and your family have a smooth start to the school year.  Here's to more laughs, no tardies and enjoying the 2016-2017 school year with your children!

How to you make going back to school easier for your family?


  1. These are wonderful tips for back to school! I especially love the school OTC meds suggestion. My daughter constantly gets sick and I typically write on the plastic bag I keep the meds in, but this is much neater. #client

  2. These are great ideas. Better to be safe than to be sorry. I have these in the cabinet at all times, you never know.

  3. These are such great tips! Preparing ahead can be hard but it's definitely worth it!

  4. Great tips!!! It's crazy to me that we are already taking back to school. I swear summer just started!

  5. Good tips even for smaller children. This reminds me, I need to check the expiration dates on the medicines in my daughter's diaper bag that I send to the sitter's house. Printable is a great addition as well. #blmgirl

  6. Thanks! My husband is the medicine expiration date checker here. Enjoy the printables!

  7. I know right?! I feel like this summer flew by so fast. :( I wish the school year was shorter because I love the freedom of being able to make our own schedules that comes with Summer Break.

  8. Yes, it's so worth it knock out any tasks -small or big- ahead of time if you can. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Yay! Glad you're prepared and keep your medicine cabinet stocked. I had to learn the hard way about keeping our stocked. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Thanks! I would write her info on the bag, but our school has their own little medicine bags and request for the info to be on the box or bottle if possible. Here's to hoping that neither of our kiddos catch too many cold germs this year school year!
