Happy Thankful Thursday y'all! Please forgive the absence/lack of Thankful Thursday posts around these parts. Somehow Thursdays have become my busiest days. Also, homeschooling JJ has completely taken over my life and free time, but I'm NOT complaining. I had a few unfinished Thankful Thursday posts from last month just chilling in my Drafts folder. Today I woke up determined to get this week's post published and not dumped in Drafts with the others. So let's jump right on in.
My baby sister recently celebrated her birthday y'all. I'm so grateful that she was blessed to see another year of life. Although, life has always been unpredictable and something meant to be cherished, I feel like in today's society it's even more imperative that we truly cherish what a gift it is to get older and celebrate our birthdays. There so many folks who haven't and won't make it to their next birthday this year. Just last week a school near our county was shot up by another kid. A few people were injured, but one little boy died from his injuries.
This tragedy was a very sobering moment, especially since it was so close and happened in my home state. Then a fellow creative in one of my creative groups on Facebook loss her 8-week old baby yesterday. She said that she had the perfect pregnancy and delivery. Her daughter was doing fine and had just had a checkup, but then she stopped breathing on Monday and things just went downhill from there. We can be here one moment and gone in the blink of an eye. Celebrate life EVERYDAY!!
Moving on to happier news, I'm thankful that JJ is crushing this homeschooling thing. The first few weeks I told I was going to go out of my mind because I was putting so much pressure on myself. Then, I remembered that God put it on my heart for me to homeschool my little guy. He never gives us more than we're capable of handling. While everyday isn't smooth sailing, JJ is definitely learning and his passion for learning is really blossoming.
However, JJ isn't the only one excelling in school. Moo is doing great in second grade at her old school. They got tested for their reading levels the second week of school. Guess what? Moo tested over her reading level and has already met her end-of-the-year reading goal! I'm so proud of her, but also a little worried because I hope that I'll be able to keep her entertained once she joins us in homeschool next year.
Lastly, I'm grateful that we got to have a mini-vacation recently. One of my older cousins got married at the beach and we decided to make it a weekend trip. The kids and I packed up, met up with my mom and then drove to stay with my brother for the wedding. When I say that the reception was lit, I mean it was LIT! Whenever our family gets together, especially us cousins and siblings, we party and turn up. I even got a chance to go out sans the kids with my brother and sister for a sibling turn up session.
Before I let you guys go, I just want to say thank you to everyone who continues to support this blog. I greatly appreciate you. Also, to all my fellow East Coast readers, be safe as we wait for Hurricane Matthew to pass. Pray for us y'all. Here in the Queen City, we're already getting lots of rain and winds are expected to pick up over the next day or so.
And if you haven't already, go enter my latest giveaway!
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