Tell Us Something Good: Sisterly Bonding

The Life of Rylie...and Bryce too!

As many of you know, my baby sister graduated high school this past June.  Well, it's almost August and time for her to head off to college.  It amazes still how fast time flew by.  It seemed like it took forever for me to get out of high school but I blinked and she was already a senior.

Anyways, since she'll be going to school 4 whole hours away from me, I'm down at my mom's yet again to spend as much time with her as possible.  You could say that I kind of took her time here at home for granted.  Yea, I always knew she would go to college but I never imagined it would be so far away.  I know that she's going to succeed and have a blast.

And I'm glad that I took this week to enjoy her company.  I think that our sisterly bond has certainly gotten closer.  I wouldn't trade the overwhelming feelings of love, pride and joy that I have for her ever!


  1. It's funny how the little sisters and brotheres grow up at lightening speed. It is great that you got to spend time with her before she leaves.

  2. congrats to your is the start of her adult life and that's exciting. im sure she will come and visit when she can! i am doing your romance wednesday..i am determined to remember!!

  3. Best wishes to your sister as she begins this new phase in her life. She's lucky to have you as a big sister!
