So, it's been a while since I've done a weekend wrap-up. I kinda miss it and think I'll be bringing this feature back. Anyways, this weekend was particularly interesting. Saturday, I got sleep in late because Moo didn't get up extra early like she usually does. And my husband had the day off. So, we got to hang out and watch tv together.
That same afternoon Moo and I went out for a little mommy and me time. We were suppose to go to the store to pick up some beef broth for gravy but ended up with a lot more in our cart. Thankfully, though it was all stuff we needed with the exception of the candy. I've been working really hard on not spending money carelessly. I've been doing some freelance blogging for this UK site called and have been trying to save the money from that gig.
I'm desperately trying to take a family vacation next year. My husband and I haven't been on a vacation together since we started dating. I've been on several with my family but he seems to always be working when we go. So, he's agreed to not take his vacation time until like May or early June and I want to do a cruise or a road trip. I know you're thinking I'm nuts doing a road trip with two kids.
But the fact of matter is that Moo will be three and JJ will be one. It's time to start making memories that include the house, Grandma's house or anybody else's house. I'd like to start taking them to places like Disney World, the Martin Luther King, Jr Monument and more. I want to expose them to different cultures and environments.
Sunday, I got late and didn't make it to church. I've finally found a church that is a good fit for us to go to up here when I don't head back home to go to my home church. And I didn't go out to get my Sunday paper so I missed out on my coupons. Maybe, I can hit the recycling center and see if they still have some Sunday papers they haven't shredded up and started recycling yet. Also, Sunday, I found out that YUMMommy was a finalist in Charlotte's Most Valuable Blogger Contest hosted by CBS Radio. (Vote if you haven't already. Please and thank you!!)
Next weekend I'll be attending my great cousin's wedding. Looking forward to it because I'll get to see some of my distant family that I don't get to see on a regular basis. Plus, my mommy is coming up since the wedding is going to be here and it'll be good for her to get out of the house a little bit too.
And heads up, I'm working on doing a College Supplies Scholarship for next fall. I'll be releasing more details this week. Also, in the process of working on turning Young Urban Modern Mommies into a foundation/registered nonprofit. I'm researching the best way to go about it and brainstorming about the programs and services I want to offer. As always thanks for all of your support. And I love your comments!! Keep them coming!!
Sounds like an awesome weekend! Good luck on all the great stuff you are doing for YUMM!