Queen City Deals

As many of you know I am quite the frugal diva.  I'm always posting about great fashion finds and online sales.  But what some of you don't know is that I'm a huge couponer.  Very rarely do I shop for groceries or other household products without a coupon.  No, I didn't start this because of the extreme couponing show.  My couponing days date back to the summer of my freshman year of college.  

I wasn't living on campus with free food from the dining hall anymore.  I had moved in with my husband and noticed that we were spending a lot on food and stuff.  That was money we could be saving for date nights and other forms of entertainment.  So, I started my ritual of buying a Sunday paper and hunting down sales.  I kept old receipts and jotted down prices of products that we frequently purchased and noted when they went on sale.

And with times still being hard for some I've decided to start posting some of awesome deals and matchups for here in the Queen City/Charlotte, NC area.  I'm going to show you how you can get everything from clothing to food to household supplies and not spend over $50 a week.  I'm bet you're thinking that you can't get much, but I'm going to prove you wrong.  Hope you all enjoy!


  1. I'm the same way girl. I always google coupons before I buy a certain item. Also, I love how Target has the coupon printable section online. I always find some really good deals that way. It's worth it, costs for everything are just crazy nowadays that every little penny saved COUNTS.

  2. Oh i so admire couponers! good for you!
    Miss Esspi--i did not know Target had coupons online! thanks for the info!
