Romance Wednesday: Couponing

You know how they say that a family who prays together stays together?  Well, one of my new mottos is that a  couple who coupons together saves forever.  There are so many different things that I love about husband and one of those things is that he's always been supportive of my couponing and helping us to save money.  And as of late he's been taking an interest to learning how to coupon as well so that he can do some of the shopping.  

There are times when I don't feel like going grocery shopping.  So, it helps to have a husband who will pick up that slack and do it for me.  You don't have to try to be like those extreme couponers but if you use a certain brand and there's coupon in the Sunday paper for it why not save money on that item.  Over time that money adds up.  You could use that to take a second honeymoon or even plan a vow renewal ceremony.

Whatever the case is, just know that money issues are the number one cause for marital issues.  And if you're both on board with saving money then you're minimizing your chances on arguing over money.


  1. LOL. A family who coupons

  2. Team work makes the dream work!

  3. I am the queen of couponing!! I just posted how my daughter's school shopping originally cost $153 but after coupons cost me only $72!!

  4. Couponing is definitely a good thing and it's certainly sexy to save money in any relationship. LOL.
