Making Progress

I'm happy to report that I'm down 5 pounds!  I'm making good progress on my quest to get back into pre-pregnancy shape.  During the holidays, I developed some really bad eating habits.  I was eating a lot of sweets and drinking way too many sodas and sugary drinks.


When the New Year rolled around I made a serious effort to drink at least a half gallon of water a day.  On a good day, I can easily get in a gallon of water without drinking juice or anything else.  I've also become more conscious of the foods I'm putting my mouth.  I did relapse and go overboard with some chocolate chips cookies my husband had.  However, since then it's been fruit smoothies and fruit to soothe my sweet tooth.

Who knew that getting your daily share of water in and cutting the sugary drinks down to a minimum could be so rewarding weight wise.  I'm realizing that my body isn't as quick at burning off calories and other things as it used to be before I had two kids.  It needs a little help and I'm glad that I'm taking the needed steps to assist it.

Did you set fitness or weight goals?  If so, what progress are you making?


  1. Woohoo!! Way to go lady!!! 5lbs is not shabby at all!!

  2. Good for you, lady! Five pounds is great! You're off to a fabulous start and it'll only get better.

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to those better days shedding these lbs.

  3. Congratulations! I KNOW I need to be drinking more water...I just haven't - I do need to lose a few pounds, but I have found that stress causes me not to care about what I put in my mouth. Before I can actually lose weight, I need to be able to handle stress first!

    1. Agreed! Stressing eating was a big issue with me. I try to stay surrounded by healthy foods so they wouldn't be as bad if I stress eat. Good luck tho!

  4. That's amazing! I wish I had that level of termination. I'm not so worried about weight loss at the moment, but fitness is definitely something I need to work on! You've inspired me girl!!! : )

  5. Hmmm..mine are good.. I am down and additional 5 pounds.. I want to be down 40 by April! I need to drink more water.. I think that is why I have frequent headaches!

  6. I certainly need to increase my water intake..I just don't want to!

    Good for you. 5lbs is a great start!

  7. Fantastic! You're well on your way =)
