Desperate For Love

Did anybody watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta?  Now, I know that it seems like VH1 just has it out for Black people looking like fools but honestly I thought this show was going to be a little more classy for some reason.  Every show has drama but I couldn't even finish watching it after I saw Mimi pretty much allowing herself to be degraded on national tv.  In case, you didn't watch, she's dating this dude named Stevie and he's pretty much been cheating on her their entire 15 year relationship.

And the thing that got me is that she knew.  I'm sorry but I have standards and I'm not about to overlook no man's creeping regardless of how much money he has or how much I think I love him.  Love is an action not emotion and his actions have clearly being saying that he couldn't give two rats about her.  Did I mention they have a two year old daughter?

If I was crazy enough to stay with somebody like that, we certainly wouldn't be having unprotected sex.  AIDS and HIV is catching!!  I know people want to talk about it's 2012, but sleeping around is never cute no matter how fun and hip it looked on Sex & the City.  And she was all talking about it's part of the lifestyle of being an entertainer.  Says who?

There are plenty of people in the business who have morals and self respect and respect for their partner.  They don't have to cheat and knock up other women.  In the end, I had to stop watching last night's episode because the message that Mimi was sending out didn't sit well with me.  

You don't have to be so desperate for love that you lower yourself to being somebody's play thing.  Trust me, I was almost that young girl.  Thank goodness I was able to catch myself.  I don't want to sound holier than thou (because Lord knows I'm not), but the Bible tells us what love is SUPPOSE to be in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and Stevie's "love" for Mimi isn't any of those things!

Did you watch?  Could you overlook 15 years of cheating?


  1. amen. cannot watch this. women - no matter what ethnic background - need to take some responsibility for themselves

    1. Agreed! We have to be more conscious of the messages we're sending out by how we behave on these reality shows.

  2. I watched the show last night and I could not believe that she was allowing Stevie J to treat her that way. He was not trying to hide his relationship with that other woman. Am I the only one that thought she looked like Rihanna? Anyways, that show was a hot mess. Both of those women were made to look like fools last night...

    1. I couldn't believe it either, especially after she found they had been making out earlier that same day. And yes, Joseline did look a like Rihannaish.

  3. I've never watched any of these shows, for the exact reason you mention = drama! We'll never understand the actions of others, and I will say that love is one powerful drug, and at the end of the day it's on her to stay with him after all the time, when she had the option to leave. Things get even more tricky when kids are involved. Not saying her actions are right, as I know nothing of her, her family, or this crazy show!

    1. I agree it's on her to stay but I wish she would think about the message she's sending to their young daughter. Love is powerful but in this case I think the love has become overshadowed by her need to try to force him to choose her and give up chasing skirts.

  4. I had to rewatch last nights episode three times in order to fully grasp it. I really couldn't even believe it. I mean, I know drama is what keeps us hooked, but DAMN. I was doing some googling and allegedly he has like three other baby mommas. So obviously she has been putting up with a lot of cheating. SMH.

    1. Yes, she has been putting up with A LOT of cheating. I know she loves him but you have to lover yourself more.

  5. hi new follower via social moms, stop by and say hi at

  6. I watched it last night to see what it was all about. Mind you, I've never heard of any of these people and wanted to see who they were and what they were about. However, I was soooo shocked by Stevie J's actions and Mimi not putting an end to relationship I became disgusted. I agree with you that regardless of how much money any person may have, we should not allow ourselves to be subjected to shame and embarrassment for 15 minutes of fame.

    1. I've a heard of two of the ladies that were on the show. I hope that after seeing what a sham of a relationship she and Stevie have, that she really stands up for herself and leaves him alone. Fame is not worth that kind of embarrassment.

  7. I watched it last night. Mind you, I have never heard of most of the people on the show and I wanted to see who they were and what they were about. I thought it was going to be classy as well, but appeared to me to be low budget. I was so shocked by Stevie J's behavior and Mimi allowing herself to be subjected to such embarrassment that I became disgusted. I agree with you that we should never allow ourselves to be treated negatively by any person because of their fortune for 15 mins of fame.

  8. I don't watch this show, but I've seen enough around the Interwebs to know that a recent episode was nothing short of crazy. More reason for me to stay away.

    Let's not even mention that dramafest Basketball Wives that I started out watching a few seasons ago to support Shaunie O'Neal -before I learned she was a mess and a half.

    But I can't knock her hustle. She's made herself relevent (and a lot of money along the way), so good for her. But I won't be supporting it.

    1. Yea, she's certainly got hustle, but like you said I can't honestly support her hustle because of the harm it's doing to our culture.

  9. I didn't watch it. I just can't bring myself to do it anymore. I jsut need to be more purposeful with my time and I just can't. LOL.

    1. Exactly! Once I saw what it was all about and where that episode was going, I realized there were better things I could be doing with my time and doing to exercise my mind.

  10. Unfortunately, I did watch. I think I lost brain cells too. I would never sit and wait on a man for 15 years.
    Plus, how the heck you let a man cheat on you with another man (transgendered or whatever) and still stay... no way. I can't

    1. Yea, I'm so with you. 15 years of waiting for someone to get their stuff together is a bit much. I think in situations like these it's God's way of telling us that He has something better for us. However, she's not listening.

      And I saw a lot of people tweeting about whether or not Joseline might be transgender. I'm guessing not because I heard Stevie knocked her up.

  11. Im sorry buy there is no way I would have left during his relationship with rapper Eve this is crazy how some of these people will let their false representation of love cause harm to themselves by stressing and having unprotected sex and attempt to bring up children in these environments. Then when our children are treating you the same way and staying in similar situations we wonder where they learned the behavior.

    1. I agree. When you start bringing kids into this type of environment, you have to then do what is best for them.

  12. I was so depressed after watching this. I can't believe a woman would allow for her man to do that. In a way I understand because I've been cheated on before. You become weak and have low self esteem. But, there comes a time when you have to find strength. It was hard to watch, especially when they all went out together and he ends up leaving with the side piece. I don't know man.

    P.S. Did he date Eve, the rapper/actress?

    1. Yes, he dated Eve. I heard he was pretty nasty to her and beat her up really bad once. I hope that Mimi finds her strength because 15 years is a long time to be dealing with this foolishness.
