This year Moo is dressed up as Snow White. I was finally able to convince her to give her princess costume from last year a break. And JJ will be dressed as Iron Man. He hasn't been interested in putting on his costume all morning due to his obsession with a McDonald's straw. Kids.
I'm super excited to see if we'll get any trick-or-treaters of our own this year. Once, I take the kids to collect their candy from the neighbors, we're coming back home, turning on the porch light and pigging out snacks while we wait for candy collectors. Let's hope that we don't have any battles when it comes time for Moo and JJ to turn over their loot and go to bed.
Also, we're still waiting to hear from some family members in New York. With all the power outages and down cell phone signals, all we can do is pray that they are somewhere safe and warm with food and water. Thankfully, all my family in Jersey, VA and DC were able to go further inland. So, please keep my family in prayer.
Lift up Alicia from Mommy Delicious in a special prayer too. She and her little man lost power yesterday evening. I hate thinking about everyone who has to literally stay warm by putting on tons of layers and blankets at night and venturing out to find shops with power to occupy during the daytime. It's rough out there for real you guys. I'm in the process of trying to contact some charities and local churches here to see what they are going to due to help with relief efforts and maybe team up with them to help out.
Please everyone be safe, dress warm and have fun!
Happy Halloween!
Definitely praying for Alicia and Aiden!