Mind Right Monday

This week I'm on time with my Mind Right Monday post.  Don't forget to link up over at OK Dani and your goals and gratefuls for the week.  If you're new to YUMMommy or missed my post from last week check it out here.

Anyways, I did okay with following through on the goals I set last week.  Of course, somethings are rolling over to this week's list.  I will do better this week for sure.  

This week my goals are to:

-Write in my prayer journal and do my Bible study daily ( I failed miserably at this last week)
-Post everyday (I did five out of seven days)
-Make it to story time ON time. (Last week we arrived at the very end of story time after all the stories had been read)
-Get photos uploaded for Moo's Closet (The grand opening is in sight)
-Continue to see sponsors for YUMMommy Christmas charity event
-Work more with Moo on her reading and word recognition skills
-Drink more water (Did you know caffeine and Mirena don't mix?)
-Work out 3 nights this week

I'm grateful for:

-My loving husband who takes great care of us
-The remake of Steel Magnolias and it's reminder of how diabetes and kidney disease affect the Black community.
-Not renewing my contract with Sprint (see why here)
-My baby sister and all her words of encouragement and love
-My Hoover TwinTank Steam Mop (check my review here)
-The Jehovah witness ladies who stop just to check on me and share a scripture every so often (They've been very nice at not trying to convert me over but just allowing me to enjoy their company and fellowship in Christ)
-JJ is finally walking unassisted!!!!!

Share a goal or grateful with us!


  1. These are great goals to set and things to be grateful for. I really like the idea of setting small goals for the week -- I typically do that and love it when I can cross as many things off my list by the end of the week as possible.

    Yay for JJ walking! Now's when the fun really begins!

  2. I'm grateful for the fall weather which will allow me to go for long walks again. Lovely post.

  3. Pokin my head in to see if you're makin' headway on your goals!!!
    I'm grateful for you joining in on mind right monday!
