"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."
~Matthew 5:5 (MSG)
Happy Thursday YUMMs! I stumbled across the quote above in the God Loves Me!: 365 Daily Devos for Boys (VeggieTales (Big Idea))
book that I read with Moo and JJ daily. I'm so grateful to my mom who got this devotional for JJ for Christmas because the kids (and I) really love it. Anyways, that quote resonated with me so much because as I've gotten older and my priorities have shifted, I finally feel like I'm in a place where I am truly content with who I am completely.
It hasn't been an easy road getting to this point and my journey is not over, but I'm thankful I've the learned the value and importance of loving myself as I am. I'm thankful that while for years I struggled with trying to live up to the expectations of others- my mom, siblings, friends, etc- I've found me again. I've found K. Elizabeth and I'm loving her! It is my goal as a mom to help my children to learn how to be content with who they are. I try very hard to watch the words that I say to them because while words don't break our bones like sticks and stones, they do break our spirits.
I'm giving thanks this week for the Mr and I having celebrated 10 YEARS of being together last week. I can't believe it's been a decade since we first made the leap be a couple. Now we're finally married and have two of the greatest kids on this planet. We have had some major hurdles to overcome, but at the end of the day we're still going hard for each other. The love I feel and have always felt for him consumes and overwhelms me in a way that I can't quite put into the words. I've tried, but somehow the words just don't do the feelings justice.
I can't say for sure what the future holds for us. However, I do know that I'm speaking into existence that we are able to have a lifetime of love. It's rare these days with so many people feeling like maintaining a marriage is just too much work. When all is said and done, I want to feel confident that I hit my marriage with my best shot.
This week I'm also giving thanks for my wonderful extended family. We all have our own lives, families and jobs that keep us in different directions, but we're always there for each other when it counts. There's so much happening in my family right now in terms of sickness and general life changes, but we're pulling together and standing strong for one another. I'm very grateful for the chat that I had with my aunt yesterday.
Her passion for family unity and support warms my soul. It's a reminder that I have to continue to teach and show my kids how a family should treat each other. Lastly, I'm giving thanks that we got to enjoy two warm days this week! With Spring right around the corner it was nice to enjoy the sunshine and get a preview of what weather we'll (hopefully) be having once it arrives.
It hasn't been an easy road getting to this point and my journey is not over, but I'm thankful I've the learned the value and importance of loving myself as I am. I'm thankful that while for years I struggled with trying to live up to the expectations of others- my mom, siblings, friends, etc- I've found me again. I've found K. Elizabeth and I'm loving her! It is my goal as a mom to help my children to learn how to be content with who they are. I try very hard to watch the words that I say to them because while words don't break our bones like sticks and stones, they do break our spirits.
I'm giving thanks this week for the Mr and I having celebrated 10 YEARS of being together last week. I can't believe it's been a decade since we first made the leap be a couple. Now we're finally married and have two of the greatest kids on this planet. We have had some major hurdles to overcome, but at the end of the day we're still going hard for each other. The love I feel and have always felt for him consumes and overwhelms me in a way that I can't quite put into the words. I've tried, but somehow the words just don't do the feelings justice.
I can't say for sure what the future holds for us. However, I do know that I'm speaking into existence that we are able to have a lifetime of love. It's rare these days with so many people feeling like maintaining a marriage is just too much work. When all is said and done, I want to feel confident that I hit my marriage with my best shot.
This week I'm also giving thanks for my wonderful extended family. We all have our own lives, families and jobs that keep us in different directions, but we're always there for each other when it counts. There's so much happening in my family right now in terms of sickness and general life changes, but we're pulling together and standing strong for one another. I'm very grateful for the chat that I had with my aunt yesterday.
Her passion for family unity and support warms my soul. It's a reminder that I have to continue to teach and show my kids how a family should treat each other. Lastly, I'm giving thanks that we got to enjoy two warm days this week! With Spring right around the corner it was nice to enjoy the sunshine and get a preview of what weather we'll (hopefully) be having once it arrives.
What's on your gratitude list this week? Share in the comments.
There's no greater feeling than loving yourself… Cheers to you and hubby being together for 10yrs! I'm thankful to be ALIVE & for being featured in 2 Mags within a one month period. O, and to top it off Hubs brought me a a red rose and a candle home its the little things that mean the most!
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend!!!!
Congrats we are about to celebrate 10 yrs marriage and I don't know how we got here...honestly I don't but we keep pushing through. I am thankful this week to be able to finally start bringing in some money to help the hubs out it feels good to have a business and to pay a bill.