Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

Do you know what today is?  I will give you a hint.  It's not my anniversary.  It's the last day of school!!  I wish there was a confetti button.  I am so excited that Summer Break is officially here.  In fact, it's the first thing that I'd like to give thanks for in today's Thankful Thursday post.

As I mentioned in my June Recently post, I am thankful that we can now sleep in and I can turn off all four of my morning alarms.  I'm thankful that when we do activities during that day on Monday through Friday, Moo won't be or feel left out because she won't be stuck in the classroom.  I'm grateful that our schedule is flexible again.  If I want to stay an extra at Target in the afternoon I can without worrying about not being able to get Moo from school on time.  I almost feel like doing cartwheels right now.

ThankfulThursday June 9th


However, as excited as we all are about tomorrow being the first official day of Summer Break, we are a little sad.  This afternoon I went to enjoy lunch with Moo in her classroom for the last day of school.  We watched movies with her classmates, she told me how she ended the school year with the highest reading level in the class and she exchanged numbers with her best friend.  Her teacher has been raving about her all school year and I knew it was no secret that Moo was the class pet.

Still when we went to leave early, I wasn't expecting her teacher to burst into tears over the sadness of losing her star pupil.  And I wasn't prepared to start tearing up right along with her.  This school year I am most thankful that Moo had a teacher who not only enjoyed being a teacher, but she genuinely loved and cared about her students.   While she accredited so much of Moo's success and smarts to me being an involved parent at home, I accredit a good deal of Moo's successful first grade year to her having a teacher who loved and nurtured her.  It was through and with her teacher's love that my kid really thrived and flourished.

While there were things I didn't like about Moo's new school this year, her teacher isn't one of them.  She will forever be a part of our village and I plan on emailing her frequently to keep her updated on Moo's progress.  A part of me is hoping that she'll end up being JJ's teacher one day.  Here's to all the teachers out there who take our children under their wings and fight for them just as hard as we, their parents, do!

I'm thankful that our library was able to workout the issue with their book supplier and approved all of my suggested book purchases.  We read a lot in the YUMMommy household.  Therefore, going to the library is one of our favorite pastimes.  Recently, I noticed that our library was a little low on books featuring main characters of color- African American, Hispanic, etc- and suggested some books like Tia and Tamera Mowry's Twintution series and Jacqueline Jules' Sofia Martinez series.  I was super excited when I received a message from our librarian that supplier issue was solved and our book requests were ordered.

There are diverse books out there.  We just have to start seeking them out and supporting the writers who are writing them.  I've made it my business to increase the number of books by minority authors- not just Blacks- that I purchase for my Kindle each year.  In doing so I've gone beyond reading just my favorite authors and have discovered some new faves.  I'm grateful this and for the opportunity to support fellow writers and give them encouragement to keep on writing because I'm reading and supporting their works.

Lastly, I'm grateful that our weather seems to have gotten its act together.  So far this week has been lovely with nice hot temps and only a few light showers.  I hope that our summer will be a balance of getting just the amount of rain we need without us going into the drought level and having water restrictions.

What are you most thankful for this week?

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