Happy Friday and hello November! Am I the only one kind of happy 2018 is coming to a close? This year has been rocky at best for me and my family. I'm looking forward and hoping 2019 will be a better year all around.
Anyways, since it's been a while since I've blogged, a catchup session is in order. I've missed y'all dearly. Hopefully, you've missed my face (and words) around these parts as well.
Anyways, since it's been a while since I've blogged, a catchup session is in order. I've missed y'all dearly. Hopefully, you've missed my face (and words) around these parts as well.
Recently . . .
Annoyed | Listen, y'all already know that I haven't had the best of luck with neighbors in the past. Seriously, sometimes it feels like I won the lottery when it comes to crappy neighbors. Anyways, for a few weeks now one of my neighbors has been helping themselves to my trash service. They've been waiting until we roll our trash can to the road for pickup and then they sneak across and fill our bin up to the max.
And if our trash bin is already full, these people will just dump their trash bags in our driveway! It takes some nerve to just throw your trash bags in somebody's driveway y'all. Well, I've had it! We contacted our trash service provider, and the said we could put a lock on our trash can. We're going to take it one further and just wait until the trash truck comes down the street and then wheel the trash can to the road and wheel back after they empty it since the said neighbor never leaves their trash unless our bin at the road.
Also, I'm setting up some cameras. If I get video of the thieves, I'm sending it to the police and prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law that I can. I'm beyond frustrated and tired of having to pick up trash out of my yard because we have lots of little critters that like to rip open trash bags left where they can reach it. Plus, with the holidays coming up, I'm not trying to have my yard looking like a landfill.
When did people stop having respect for other people's property? When did being a good/decent neighbor go out of style? I'm getting a fence and call gate installed next ye. If they're bold enough to trespass and dump their trash in my yard, I don't trust that they won't then decide to help themselves to something else.
And if our trash bin is already full, these people will just dump their trash bags in our driveway! It takes some nerve to just throw your trash bags in somebody's driveway y'all. Well, I've had it! We contacted our trash service provider, and the said we could put a lock on our trash can. We're going to take it one further and just wait until the trash truck comes down the street and then wheel the trash can to the road and wheel back after they empty it since the said neighbor never leaves their trash unless our bin at the road.
Also, I'm setting up some cameras. If I get video of the thieves, I'm sending it to the police and prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law that I can. I'm beyond frustrated and tired of having to pick up trash out of my yard because we have lots of little critters that like to rip open trash bags left where they can reach it. Plus, with the holidays coming up, I'm not trying to have my yard looking like a landfill.
When did people stop having respect for other people's property? When did being a good/decent neighbor go out of style? I'm getting a fence and call gate installed next ye. If they're bold enough to trespass and dump their trash in my yard, I don't trust that they won't then decide to help themselves to something else.
Decorated | "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . ." I know some people absolutely detest all of the early Christmas stuff happening before Thanksgiving, but not my family. For us putting up Christmas tree on November 1st holds a special meaning. Also, with Moo and I both being holidays babies, it goes without saying that Christmas reigns supreme around here.
The kids did a great job of decorating the tree. This is the last year this tree will be in the living room. We'll be retiring it the kitchen next Christmas and I'm going to score a new, more realistic looking prelit tree after an after Christmas sale. We want decorations that are more glam/fancier for the living room tree next year.
One thing I am going to invest in right away is a new tree skirt for this tree. The current one has always been too simple and my plan was always to sew my own. However, I never got around to it and now I'm sewing machine-less. So I'm just going to buy one. I'm also on the hunt for a Christmas wreath.
One thing I am going to invest in right away is a new tree skirt for this tree. The current one has always been too simple and my plan was always to sew my own. However, I never got around to it and now I'm sewing machine-less. So I'm just going to buy one. I'm also on the hunt for a Christmas wreath.
Made | My crochet hooks have been busy y'all. My aunt requested that I make her some dishcloths. A family friend saw her request on Facebook and asked if I would make her some as well. Then, I finally got around to putting the finishing touches on a checkerboard blanket only to have to frog it almost back to start because of some dropped stitches.
Thankfully, it hasn't taken me long to finish it up again. Currently, I'm finishing JJ's train blanket. Unfortunately, since it has his real name on it, I'm not able to share the completed the project here on the blog. However, I'm also working some Christmas throws. Those I will be able to share here.
Thankfully, it hasn't taken me long to finish it up again. Currently, I'm finishing JJ's train blanket. Unfortunately, since it has his real name on it, I'm not able to share the completed the project here on the blog. However, I'm also working some Christmas throws. Those I will be able to share here.
Joined | It's November, which means NaNoWriMo is here. I'm joining millions of other writers on the journey to writing 50,000 words in 30 days.
This year I'm feeling really good about my manuscript. I've pretty much got the entire story planned out. Plotting out my stories beforehand is a completely new process for me. I'm usually more a pantser when it comes to my fiction writing. Also, this year I want to try to make to an in-person write-in and connect with other NaNoWriMoers beyond the computer.
Worried | A while ago I mentioned that my mom had been in and out of the hospital. We thought she was getting better but then she had a few more hospital stays since then. Last month my brother and I took turns going home to be with her.
It's been a scary ride for us. I can't even begin to imagine how she feels. I'm hopeful though that the doctors will figure out what's going on and get her on the right treatment plan. In the meanwhile, I hate that I feel so helpless because I can't do anything to heal her or take away her pain.
If you're a praying person, please lift her up in your prayers. With the holidays coming up we'd love it if she wouldn't have to be in the hospital instead of celebrating with us. If you're not a praying person, then could you just speak some positive affirmations or put out some positive vibes for us into the universe.
Well, that's it. We're pretty much all caught up. I hope y'all have a great weekend. My plans include crocheting, binge-watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channels (they have 3), and doing some Christmas shopping.
Do you decorate early for the holidays?
Hope your November is much Better. I so love the stillness of November. Hope your mom is going Better.
Happy to see you back.
ReplyDeleteYour neighbors are horrible. That is so incredibly bold. Good luck with NaNoWriMo. I think my son is doing it again this year. I tried. One time. I think I made it a week. LOL