My Weekend WrapUp

So, my weekend wrap up has moved to Tuesday since I'll be linking up for Mind Right Monday on OK Dani for a while.  Anyways, nothing too interesting to report.  This weekend Fall officially set in.  Friday was warm but that night it got significantly cooler.  Then around 1 AM Saturday morning I got up to get a drink of water and it was raining cats and dogs and still chilly.

The Mr said it rained for a good bit and started back around 7:30 again.  I wouldn't know because the kids and I slept in until after 10 AM!!  That was great because my kids have been notorious for waiting up at the crack of dawn like they're going to work or something.  I guess all that rain really helped to soothe them and keep them in Dreamland.  It did drizzle off and on a little bit.

I decided to dub Saturday as my thorough cleaning day.  We couldn't really go anywhere because the weather was awful.  So, I steam cleaned the couches, mattresses and the floors.  I put up new curtains in the living room and kitchen, washed all the dishes, washed and folded clothes, etc.  I was in full blown cleaning mode.  The Mr helped out by tackling the bathroom.

Sunday we didn't make it to church because we slept in again.  Plus, I had a bit of a scratchy throat and wasn't sure if I was coming down with a cold or what.  JJ also had a bit of a runny nose.  So again we opted to skip going out in the chilly, wet weather.  

However, something wonderful did come about from us staying inside all weekend though.  JJ finally started walking by himself!!  Talk about being a proud mommy.  I was starting to get worried about him not walking on his own but I've been praying on it and God answered my prayers.

Now that he can get around, he's already starting to get into everything.  He's climbing on any and every chair in sight and swiping things off the coffee tables.  I was trying to put clothes in the dryer the other day and as fast I could put them in, he was taking them out and throwing them on the floor.  Hopefully, he'll get the hang of being my laundry helper.  It'll take a little practice.

What was your weekend like?


  1. We never can wait for them to walk and then when they do it's like, whoaa...what was I thinking. My weekend was busy with exams and papers. So glad to have a brief break.

    1. I know. I'm having to remind myself that he won't be getting into everything forever.

  2. You see that, sometimes staying inside can bring about some great things. That is a great accomplishment and you should be a proud mama! Now you will also be a very tired mama. :) Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

    1. Yes, staying inside turned out to be a great thing! I'm very proud and very tired. LOL.

  3. Awww congrats on JJ walking! We had a fun time visiting my parents in MD. Gotta write that recap . . .
